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Everything posted by Wonder

  1. Dammit! I miss all the fun. :lol Don't fret, I'm sure there will be more
  2. You can add in milk thistle for a liver supplement. I've had Sparks on this for the last few years. Sparks threw his back out last month and is on restricted activity. I'd like to bubble wrap him if I could. Hope he's feeling better soon
  3. They didn't do an x-ray? I just went though some back issues with Sparks. He was on tramadol and prednisone. He was not allowed to move other than going outside to potty for the first 2 weeks. He's still on restricted activity but he's able to walk around the house now. Hope he's ok soon
  4. I try to fast them for 24 hrs then give boiled hamburger with either pasta, rice or potatoes. Hopefully it's nothing and a round of metronidazole will clear things up. My vet just mentioned after Sparks was on metronidazole that if it doesn't work after 2-3 days, it's not going to work. So keep that in mind and you might need to put him on something else.
  5. I know a lot of sled dog racers feed it in Alaska but I don't know any greyhound owners that do
  6. Diamond gets 2 pills a day (AM & PM) and I think they are 3mg each but I'll have to double check. His coat is getting fuzzy and he's growing some fur on his a$$
  7. I've had fosters who could care less about hounds. They just want their human. Hopefully you can find one that is a fit for your family. I'm sorry that you have to go through this.
  8. I have Passion on low fat kibble and I actually just asked my vet if I needed to keep her on it and he said yes. It's from Kirkland so not from the vet.
  9. Are you not feeding him an evening meal? What are you feeding him? Have you tried pepcid? Which group did you adopt from? Have you been in contact with them? Is your vet grey savvy?
  10. Diamond hasn't gained any weight
  11. I never knew Passion had pancreatitis this past summer. She's fine and we didn't do anything other than postpone her dental. Best of luck and you will have to keep an very close eye on what you feed her going forward
  12. Thank you I'm at work until 11pm and the clocks not moving
  13. He did a hoarse bark today So did you do anything with this progression? Did you change his food at all? I hate to even think about changing his food since he's been so picky lately. What does unilateral to bilateral mean? Thank everyone for all the posts - I really appreciate the support.
  14. I've been meaning to post this for a while but other stuff happened. This isn't a concern but it's interesting. History- Sparks annual exam is every Spring dx'd with mild LP 2 years ago. I brought it up again this spring at his annaul and my vet said it's nothing to be concerned about and the only hound that he knew had LP was Chancy (Aimee's hound). He's been hacking for the last few years which is a symptom of LP. He's panting a lot. When he barks, his mouth moves but no sound comes out. This is new as of the last few weeks. Before when he barked, it was kinda hoarse. anyway, I'm not concerned, just curious of anyone has a barkless hound with mild LP if I think of any other symptoms, I'll edit. now I wonder if this has anything to do with his not wanting to eat?
  15. I spent 2 hours the other morning trying to get him to eat. Pasta, cottage cheese, yogurt, canned food, kibble with stinky fish, scrambled eggs, baby food, canned veggies and potatoes. He turned his nose up to it all. No dice but Lucky enjoyed all the left overs :)I have finally figured out what to give him: cooked, ground turkey and those Natural Balance meat rolls. I've been trying to get him to eat 2 lbs of turkey and some of the NB a day. He's been getting SpringTime suppliments for years but not lately. I want to add those back in. The turkey is $1.39 lb and the NB is $12.99 for the large roll. I'm going through 10 lbs of turkey a week and a couple of the large NB rolls. So I'm having a kard sale clicky Tonight I weighed him and he's back to 77lbs so he's now gained back all that he lost
  16. Is the Gabapentin the same for humans? If so, I have some of that as well
  17. Heard back from my vet: Sparks spleen has a benign condition Now if I could just get him to eat. I've tried many things and right now the only thing he gobbles up are treats and those Natural Balance meat rolls. I have to pick up more today. Cross your fingers that he will continue to eat these. I need to get some of the 7lbs back on him that he lost in a the last week.
  18. Email from my vet: Kari,We got Sparks cytology report, and his spleen has a benign condition, and it should not be a problem for him. As far as the panting is concerned, it can be the prednisone, or it can be discomfort. Based on what I saw of him, I think the medication is likely the cause. If he is eating and his stools are fine, I would drop his prednisone down to 1/4 tab once daily. WAHOO!!!!
  19. Why not? Just curious. I always muzzle now and it's great peace of mind. My dogs don't mind them at all. Plus the stupid squirrels keep coming in the yard and I don't want to have to pull one of those out of my hounds mouth I think he'll just be annoyed to have to take that extra step and also I think he won't believe it's necessary. He's a great guy, I don't mean to make him out to sound like a bone head or anything. You know how sometimes we worry warts see all good reason in the world for something and our spouses just don't see it the same way? But like I said, I'll share everyone's advice. I was one of those that was annoyed to take the time. All it took was one bite and a vet bill for $1500 and now it's not such a big deal
  20. Why not? Just curious. I always muzzle now and it's great peace of mind. My dogs don't mind them at all. Plus the stupid squirrels keep coming in the yard and I don't want to have to pull one of those out of my hounds mouth
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