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Everything posted by Jerilyn

  1. I'm so sorry! You did everything you could for him and he knows you loved him. I'm glad you got the chance to make some good memories.
  2. Things may change with time as well. Lila didn’t pee as frequently as I thought she should when I first got her. I was used to dogs who peed whenever you put them out and she just didn’t. As she got used to stuff she went more frequently and now she goes almost every time she’s outside, unless of course she just went recently. The other thing that has worked for me is to put potting on a cue. I started saying “good girl go pee” and “good girl go poop” when I first got her. She knows the difference and does take the suggestion. Obviously I can’t make her go when she doesn’t have to but it does let her know that she needs to do her business and not just lounge in the yard.
  3. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Lila was attacked by a boxer just over a year ago, I know how horrible it is. You are in my prayers and I hope you all heal quickly, both physically and emotionally.
  4. Is there anything different around the door or does your boyfriend do anything differently going into the house than you do? Here’s the reason I ask: My neighbor let Lila out for a pee break last week. She knows and likes them both, but this time it was just the man who came over instead of both of them or just the woman. The note when I got home said he thought Lila was afraid of him and it took two chicken jerkies and a biscuit to get her to come into the house. She normally has no issues going in. As soon as I went in the garage I knew what the problem was. He shoveled the patio and put the shovel back in a different place! Dogs notice everything, especially different things, and if Peggy is a sensitive girl like my Lila is, that might be enough to worry her.
  5. It actually made things worse for Lila. But she is a dedicated nudist and wearing anything upsets her.
  6. Awww, the paw. Lila does that too and I love it. She is so bad that if she’s laying on her bed across the room and she sees me look at her, she will wave her paw like, “hey you come here and rub my belly.” So I do, spoiled brat.
  7. My own Lila has been stinker than usual the past couple weeks. It is pretty common for these dogs to get gassy when they are worried or something is different. For my girl, the holidays with a tree in the house and many more visitors than normal (who may be slipping her snacks) is enough to produce an occasional room clearer. Just something to consider, especially since everything else is regular….
  8. Just to present the other side of the situation, my Lila LOVES to be stroked, scritched, and fussed over when she is in her bed, either just laying there or if she is sound asleep. Be cautious in the beginning and you'll know pretty quickly what your dog does and does not like.
  9. I have the 4.8 volt one posted in the link above, but not the pet kit version. The only difference is that mine came with some additional bits (that I never use) and it does not have a paw print on it. My battery stopped holding a charge after 2 years of dremeling one dog about every 5 days. I could not find a replacement battery, but since the whole unit is just $25 I bought a whole new one. As far as getting your dog used to it; go slow, you might only do one nail a day, and lots of treats. Lila recommends a mini marshmallow after each toe. Really good instructions here - http://www.bestfriendsddc.com/nails.html
  10. Where did you see that Interceptor is not coming back? I am not able to find anything that says that. I’m not doubting you, just want to know for sure because I’m down to one Interceptor pill and am going to have to decide if I want to switch to something else or possibly skip a couple winter months if it is coming back. I did find this: http://www.veterinarypracticenews.com/vet-breaking-news/2012/08/08/fda-approves-trio-of-new-canine-drugs.aspx Possibly Interceptor is being replaced by this Interceptor Spectrum which will also control tapeworms. Maybe one of our friendly veterinarians have some inside info….
  11. I just got an email from BestBullySticks.com. They are having a 25% off sale, including the 12" jumbo odor free bully sticks. http://www.bestbullysticks.com/home/bbs/smartlist_466?stpl=viewall&utm_source=bm23&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Image+-+Huge+Inventory+Reduction+Sale&utm_content=Newsletter+-+11%2F14%2F2012&utm_campaign=11%2F14%2F2012&_bta_tid=3.Zk8.B0GE3A.Cuq5.kQkK..v_g8.b..l.BNVt.b.UKP-dg.UKP-dg.3ChELQ&_bta_c=cfkfriekgvvxud4ppeh7hityswoz3
  12. All of the information I find says that there have been no known cases of CWD in dogs (or wolves who eat deer in areas with CWD). It appears to be unknown if the disease is even transmittable to dogs. The antlers that I see for sale are from farm raised animals. Farm raised animals do not have CWD.
  13. My standard suggestion is to get her used to going down on some “less threatening” stairs. Find some big, wide, shallow steps to start with. I have found that public buildings like schools and libraries usually have some good outside steps. Once she gets used to those you can move on to more difficult steps, then back to the ones in your house. Good luck!
  14. Cheese! It's the only thing Lila will offer a sit for without being asked.
  15. Could you encourage him to eat his treats somewhere else? Like on a blanket or towel? The Victoria Peak beds (pictured above) are great to wash. The cover comes off and goes back on easily and the inner cover could be washed too if necessary. You would just have to take the “fluff” out and put it somewhere while the inner cover was being washed.
  16. I'm glad that the marshmallows are working for you. And that your hound is cooperative. You're smart to stop before he gets to the point where he doesn't like it any more.
  17. Lila says a mini-marshmallow after every toe goes a long way for making toenail buzzing a good thing. Since it is a non-issue for her now she only gets a marshmallow after each foot. When she sees me coming with the dremel and the bag of “mooshies” she assumes the position for nail buzzing.
  18. Yes! Lila’s really sick out from her legs, it was one of the first things I noticed about her. They seem to be an accident waiting to happen and for that reason I wish they were gone. But on the other hand, she uses them to hold toys and chewies and to scratch her ears. They are the closest thing she has to thumbs, I would hate to deprive her of that.
  19. I’m so sorry you had to experience this! I hope you all can heal physically and emotionally soon. My Lila was attacked by a loose dog in December so I understand how you are feeling. I hope your bylaw officer continues to try to get in touch with this guy. The one in my case was very diligent, going so far as to seal the attacker’s door with police tape so they would know when she was home. Keep in contact with the officer until you are satisfied with the results. Would she be able to help you to get the guy to pay Boo’s vet bills? Word about this kind of incident tends to get out in the neighborhood, especially among the regular dog walkers. They all knew that “the greyhound” (we’re the only one around) had been attacked and by whom. I would not put up signs or send out notices, but I don’t see any harm in telling people you see headed in that direction that an aggressive dog lives in that house and that he is not controlled and attacked your dog. Again, I’m so sorry this happened to you! These kinds of stories just make me sick.
  20. I have this car seat cover - http://www.hunterk9....product/DLX2500 This site has a lot of them. I found the most important feature to be an "anchor" that goes between the back and seat. It holds the hammock in place. I also like a non-slippery fabric like fleece.
  21. I’ve had Lila for two years. She got a dental just before I adopted her and her teeth have been good since then. She’d get a little build up on her canines, but that’s all. I recently noticed her teeth are getting yucky, more build up on the canines and her molars have a lot of plaque. This seems to coincide with changing her food. I changed her from Diamond Naturals Lamb and Rice to Fromm Gold Large Breed Adult. The transition to the new food has been fine; no issues, poops are even better than they were on Diamond, so I feel comfortable saying the Fromm agrees with her. Kibble size of the foods are the same. Nothing else in our routine has changed. I do Petzlife gel every day, brush about once a week, and she gets a bully stick once a week. Could there be something in the Diamond that prevented plaque? Or something in the Fromm that is causing it? Or just a coincidence? Has anyone else experienced this?
  22. Lila seems to just enjoy eating grass. She puked from it once when I first got her and she ate quite a bit of it before I noticed what she was doing. I discourage her from eating it because it makes her hack and cough when she tries to swallow it and also presents some…..issues…..when coming out the back end.
  23. I have actually been thinking about that for some time, I'd actually like a dehydrator to make my own meat jerky, but I was concerned about the smell dehydrating organ meats or even something like beef heart. I have a small condo so it's not like I can put the dehydrator somewhere where we dont' have to smell it either. Anyone have any experience with this? I was just talking to a friend about this and she said that dehydrating meat does stink up the house. Do you have a garage or a friend with a garage that you could bribe with jerky?
  24. How about dehydrating your own meats? Since you feed raw you could just slice up any of the meat you have on hand and dehydrate it. You’ll know exactly what’s in there and where it came from and you could make the pieces whatever size you want.
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