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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. Any particular reason 'why' she has to be able to sit and stay on laminate?!? My guys all sit quite nicely, but they hate to do it on slippery flooring.... and there is really no reason they have to. Even our Therapy Dog Program tests do not ask them to sit.
  2. So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Remember all the good times....
  3. Poor Shelby. You guys have just been put through the wringer lately.
  4. So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Sophie. She knew how loved she was..that is just so evident in her pictures.
  5. Just a little update... The kids have been on their new raw diet for just over 3 weeks and it is going greyt! I think they're drinking less water and Nixon did seem to be a little bit constipated, but I added a bit of pumpkin and he's fine now. So, now that they're adjusted to their raw diet, today I stopped at a butcher shop that is not too far into the city (we live out in the boonies) and it was recommended to me by a dog owner . I picked up a bag of frozen chicken 'parts'...mostly backs, he said, but there might be some necks in there too....it is frozen in a lump and I haven't chiseled the pieces apart yet. They never have chicken feet , but I do have a friend who can get me some of those. We do have some dehyrated ones that they love, but we save them for special occasions as they're pricey. So, we'll start with some chicken backs as a snack tonight and see how that goes. The same place also sells frozen beef bones...all bagged up...but they looked huge.
  6. Hello, and welcome, to you and your handsome boy from Eastern Ontario!
  7. Hello from Ontario! Can't see your pictures....
  8. Voted 'other'. Three hounds .... all doing greyt. Well, except for Rubys ear, which she some how tore a flap of skin off of a couple of weeks ago. And Nixon's side, which Nigel took a small chunk out of last weekend. Neither required any veterinary treatments.
  9. I am so sorry for the loss of your Hurley. He sounds like a kind and loving fellow. Remember the good times....
  10. BatterseaBrindl


    So sorry for the loss of your beautiful boy. He was much too young....
  11. Oh Deb... Words cannot fully express my saddness at your loss of Sam, but remember that love that captures the heart and touches the soul remains forever. Hold all the special memories close to your heart. Nancy
  12. Oh Kyle.... Only we know what a small price we pay for the love we have received from our pets. The sadness and loss, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given. Charlie will never be forgotten. Nancy
  13. Unless they're having digestive issues or runny poop, I would not do it. Ditto for urine testing. Our vet does not do either at their annual 'wellness checkup'. Nixon has been here for 2 years, Ruby for 8 months and neither of them have had theirs checked. Their poop has always been pretty good...even better now we've switched to raw. Nigel was bounced to us in December, and as his previous home said he had 'poop issues', we had his tested for parasites. The poop tested fine ....and he does not have any issues at all.
  14. Do be very cautious with your other small dogs. Just because a Greyhound does not react to them when you're at the adoption centre does not mean he will not chase them if they move quickly in your yard. Once you're home and they are all together outside, his prey drive may kick in. My Ruby tested 'cat safe' at the kennel, but there is no way she's safe if the small critter starts to run. She was totally obsessed with small dogs at the dog park....I had to keep her muzzled as she would not leave them alone. I don't know for sure if she would have bitten, but I could not take a chance. If you have slippery floors (Hardwood/laminate) please buy several rubber backed carpets...they're cheap at Costco....and place them so your new Greyhound does not slip on the floor. Set up an area to feed your new dog that is well away from your other dogs. Greyhounds have never had to share eating space before. For the first week, Nixon would not eat unless he was in his crate with the door shut. Same goes with his sleeping space...he has always been left alone in his crate to sleep. Baby gates are your friends! Good luck!!!
  15. BatterseaBrindl


    Run Free, Kimberly!
  16. Glad Magic has a diagnosis and hopefully he'll start to respond to the treatment.....Doxy, I am assuming. Our aged GSD would take a pill in a 'Pill Pocket', but Bandit the Pointer could not be fooled by anything. We had to just open her mouth and shove them down her throat....followed immediately by a delicious piece of dehydrayed liver or other equally yummy treat.
  17. I am so sorry you had to make this most difficult decision, but you gave your boy a gift. Run Free Mikee.....
  18. Have to agree with George here...just becasue she yelps, does not mean she's hurting. Nixon is a Drama King, and will yelp over nothing. Our Ruby also tends to reist going out for last potty. I'm sure she'd never go out at all, except for the boys are always willing and she will usually tag along with them. However, if its cold or wet out, I often have to physically shove her butt out the door. So...Leash your girl up and make her get up and go out. No treats until she's done her business an back inside. Use the best treats you've got.
  19. Oh My! Poor Legs. He is obviously very uncomfortable. His movement reminds me of how a horse moves when he is 'tying up' (Azoturia).....Very tight muscles, that go into spasms. Horses that are worked and not properly cooled out can tie up. It can also be diet related...lack of Vitamin E / Selenium/ electrolytes.
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