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Everything posted by BatterseaBrindl

  1. So sorry for the loss of your Destiny. Remember the good times.....
  2. Yup! It has worked on our aged GSD and three friends Greys.
  3. Hope you get to the bottom of her clotting issues. Our last Dobe was very badly affected with VWD....she had less than 2% clotting factor. I know that 90 seconds for your dog sounds like a long time, but hers never fully clotted at all. Ever. She required infusions of cryoprecipitate before during and after her spay. Thankfully, we have an animal blood bank right here.
  4. Condolences to you and your Mom. We lost our beautiful GSD last summer. They are wonderful dogs.
  5. Oh No! I am so sorry for the loss of your Teddy. He was much too young. Remember all the good times.....
  6. BatterseaBrindl


    So very sorry for the loss of your Brenda. Remember the good times....
  7. Yup! Don't acknowldge the beahviour! Don't say a word. Don't even look at her. Nigel is also a barker. He likes to do it at 4 pm, thinking it must be time for his dinner. He does not do it to me at all any more. Tried it once - nearly broke my ear drums - but the second day he stopped after three feeble 'woofs'. Unfortunately, DH does not have the same stamina as me, tells him to be quiet, and he is then rewarded with more barking.
  8. I am very lucky to have a canine blood bank 20 minutes from us. There are only 2 in Canada. Life Stream Life Stream reqyuires that the dogs be healthy and between ages 1 and 7. I believe if they are on certain medications they will not qualify. They test for Heartworm and 3 TBD, and these tests must be negative. Nixon, Ruby & Nigel have all donated, as well as our Bridge GSD and Pointer. You can read our story under 'donar stories' on the Life Stream Website. Dogs have 'blood types' just like people, as well as 'negative' and 'positive'. Our GSD was 'negative' and her blood was highly desireable. Greyhounds are comsidered 'universal' donars, just like a person with 'O' blood. My understanding is that if a dog needs blood, then they need to be 'typed' and receive their own 'type', or they can get blood a 'universal' donar, such as a Greyhound.
  9. Da*mn. Was away from my computer all day yesterday, so I'm just now catching up. Hope you got the meds you needed and Shelby is on her way home. Yes...call LifeStream. My hounds all donated blood there last month Our GSD and POinter were both donars. One of our Dobes would not have survived her spay a few years ago if it was not for Joan an Sandy.
  10. I've been lucky with my three and never had the Dig D. When they were on Kirkland Lamb & Rice it was almost always formed, but soft... but usually pick-upable. However, we made the switch to Raw almost 4 weeks ago, and WOW! Always formed, shiny, bounceable poop! And much much less of it.
  11. Glad she's home. Unless they're critical, I think most pets do better at home. Although that looks really nasty, I'm sure she feels much better with it draining.
  12. Awwww.... So sorry for the loss of your beauty.
  13. Mostly because we have a lot of laminate in our house and we'll likely be getting more in the future. She obviously doesn't have to, but I'd like to know that she can/will. Ohh.... I thought perhaps it was for some sort of testing she was doing. Some TD or Good Citizen tests require they do it. So...yes! Get a couple of pieces of rubber backed carpet to take to school. Nigel took the longest time to learn to sit, and even now if we're in the Kitchen (laminate), he often backs himself up so the edge of his butt will hit the edge of a dog bed. His legs just seem to sply out and slip...not very comfy.
  14. Any particular reason 'why' she has to be able to sit and stay on laminate?!? My guys all sit quite nicely, but they hate to do it on slippery flooring.... and there is really no reason they have to. Even our Therapy Dog Program tests do not ask them to sit.
  15. So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Remember all the good times....
  16. Poor Shelby. You guys have just been put through the wringer lately.
  17. So very sorry for the loss of your beautiful Sophie. She knew how loved she was..that is just so evident in her pictures.
  18. Just a little update... The kids have been on their new raw diet for just over 3 weeks and it is going greyt! I think they're drinking less water and Nixon did seem to be a little bit constipated, but I added a bit of pumpkin and he's fine now. So, now that they're adjusted to their raw diet, today I stopped at a butcher shop that is not too far into the city (we live out in the boonies) and it was recommended to me by a dog owner . I picked up a bag of frozen chicken 'parts'...mostly backs, he said, but there might be some necks in there too....it is frozen in a lump and I haven't chiseled the pieces apart yet. They never have chicken feet , but I do have a friend who can get me some of those. We do have some dehyrated ones that they love, but we save them for special occasions as they're pricey. So, we'll start with some chicken backs as a snack tonight and see how that goes. The same place also sells frozen beef bones...all bagged up...but they looked huge.
  19. Hello, and welcome, to you and your handsome boy from Eastern Ontario!
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