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Everything posted by LadyGrey

  1. I am so sorry for your loss. Run Free sweet Rita.
  2. A beautiful sunbeam from Hot Rod. A sweet gift to you.
  3. Your condolences mean so much. I picked up her beautiful marble urn yesterday and put it in HER princess bedroom where she just loved to lay on her queen size bed and look out the window into the valley beyond our front yard. She loved to watch the deer, birds, horses, and other animals moving around. She LOVED her bedroom (the guest bedroom next to our bedroom).
  4. LadyGrey

    Moto Hot Rod

    I am so so sorry for your loss. RIP dear Hot Rod.
  5. Thank you for your words to comfort us. Having just lost my baby two days ago, and her sister one year ago, I am heart lost. I feel for everyone here who is hurting from a recent loss, or a loss that has happened in both the near and far past.
  6. Oh NOOO!!!! What a horrible shock!! I am stunned. I am so so very sorry for your loss of your dear Astro. Run free dear Astro.
  7. My fervent prayers are going up for Loch right now. I am sorry you are going through such a time with the vet and this condition. Positive prayers for complete solutions and health for sweet Loch. This is a wonderful forum with a wealth of information - and good information and people who truly care. Please keep up posted.
  8. All your caring hugs and sweet words of condolences are so comforting to us. We thank you for responding to Bella's farwell thread. We truly learned a lot by this horrific experience. Thank you all for your advice, encouragement, and help.
  9. That is true, Scouts mom. Although we only have one neighbor in a mile distance, it is a good idea.
  10. I am so very sorry for your loss of Doc. What a handsome boy. You had 10 wonderful years together - lots of fun memories.
  11. Thank you, Batmom for your helpful information. Bella was our last pet in the house and it is just the two of us now. However, I will talk to my husband about both of us being tested by our GP as soon as we can get appointments. THanks again!! I have washed all her linens in bleach as well as her food containers. I did read that that may be a good thing to do.
  12. It was a sudden sickness that snatched her away in a 48 hour period. She had kidney failure due to a very bad case of Leptospirosis. I never saw it coming and never knew I would be saying good bye to my baby girl so soon. She was only 8.5 years old. We lost her sister, Angel, exactly a year ago this month. Angel died of complications from an accident on January 18,2012. Now her sister joins her. Bella, you were my heart dog. You were so bonded with me throughout all the time I knew you. You were with me when I was feeling down, when I was hurting, when I was happy, when I was wierd. You always understood. I will never ever forget you. I remember constantly the many many times we went on long walks together at the lovely national parks here in North Alabama and in Tennessee. You loved the scenery. You loved the picnics in the parks. You loved the rides in the back of the jeep - and I always made sure it was like a big comfy bed back there for you and your sister. Such fun. Every evening when the weather permitted, we would all sit out on the front lawn and watch the sun set. YOu would sit on your big pillow in the soft grass and watch out over the valley at all the movements. The different smells would perk you up. You loved to run in our big back yard and do 14 or 15 spins - in each direction! Such a dignified lady were you. When me and my husband would fight, you would just sit there and look at us with that very intense look with your head raised up just a little and your eyes looking down at us with shame. You were saying "now now you silly children- stop that nonsense"! And we thanked you for it. You were a lady of class and loved everyone who met you on your walks. Now there is such a hole in my heart. I am still in shock and maybe denial. This one will be a real hit. I am lost without you my soul mate. I always needed you. I love you dear Bella. First came home to me.
  13. The vet mentioned this to me. I will definitley look into it in the future. I had no real indication anything was wrong until the day I took her in. I wonder how long the virus was in her system and if there was any way I could have saved her if I took her in earlier. Everything seemed so normal until the day she stopped eating and became lethargic. Thank you all for your kind and caring thoughts and condolences. Eventhough she did not survive the sickness, I still belive that all the prayers helped her to be happy and affectionate to an extent when we were with her. The vet even mentioned that she was more emotionally alert than others in her level of condition. So our time together was real quality time.
  14. Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers. When we arrived at the e-vet, Bella was in much worse condition. Her blood count went significantly worse. She looked so bad and her breathing was a little strained. I arrived at 3pm and by 4pm she crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge. This was a sudden and unexpected sickness and death. The vet said that kidney failure was due to a very bad case of Leptopirosis. She most likely got it from deer urine around our yard as we have many deer cross over our yard and up and down our driveway. Sometimes Bella ate grass and sniffed areas where the deer pooped and urinated to mark her territory. She may have got some in her nose or mouth. By the time she came to the e-vet, her condition was almost irreversible according to both vets and the internal medicine vet. They all worked very nicely with us and treated us so good. She was snatched away from me as she was my real heart dog. She was the girl who bonded with me like no other Greyhound I ever had. I love you so much my sweet Bella. I will post in Remembrance tomorrow. My sweet baby, I am lost without you. You always stood by me and felt my pain and my happiness. You were my soul mate. My beautiful girl. My right arm is gone.
  15. Many prayers going up for Hot Rod and his human family. I am praying for Hot Rod!
  16. E-vet doctor just called me to update us on Bella's condition. Bella finally urinated a small amount so she could do a urinalysis. She definitely has a bladder infection but does not know if she has a kidney infection. She will do a culture to see if there is a kidney infecction. Not producing much urine at all eventhough her urine is dilute. We will go to the e-vet around 5 pm today as she said after those blood tests, she will have a much more definitive outlook on Bella's condition. Still not eating. I plan on going in a little while to see her and be with her. I am sure they will let me back there to see her.
  17. Actually, these tests will be taken Sunday after we see how she is doing after the twenty four hour period. Yes, lepto test will be given.
  18. Thank you all for your prayers! I just called e-vet and the vet tech has been just wonderful - the sweetest girl with a whole lot of compassion who is checking my girl every 1 hour to 1/2 hour. Well, Bella has been sleeping soundly through the night and at one point got up and wagged her tail to go out. Went out to explore, but only urinated a couple of drops. Even though she was only 5% dehydrated, she is not urinating. She is still not eaating. Today will be the third day with no food in her. Although they really want to rule out a kidney infection because her white blood count is good and she is only slightly dehydrated, they are still administering antibiotic for kidney infection in case they do miss something - the way to test for infection is from the uring. But when there is no uring, there is no test. Please keep praying for a miracle and that she will be healed from kidney failure and will be well again!
  19. Went to vet just as I got done posting my thread and hope prayers went up. Vet did blood work - Bella is in kidney failure!!!!! Just got home from e-vet. She will be on saline fluids for 24 hours and the same blood work will be done again. If there is no improvement, it will be a bad situation. Her numbers were very bad. My vet said she has about a 50/50 chance as far as she could see. The e-vet will run bood tests tomorrow evening and we will go from there. There is so much information I could put up, but I am so very tired. I cannot stop crying!! Not my little Bella. I kept telling her to stay with me for years to come. After Angel died (exactly a year ago!), I really needed my Bella. This e-vet is a real bull dozer and we really had to make sure she was going to administer the same process that our vet prescribed as they talked on the phone; however, when she got us in the room, she was going a mile per minute throwing all these extra suggessitons, extra tests that were just unecessary and my husband had to put the breaks on her. I remembered that she was the same one we had conflicts a year ago with Angel. I hope she is sweeter with the animals then she is with the people. Please PRAY for a miracle - let's go for a real MIRACLE!! Will you all please pray for Bella? Thank you so much!!!
  20. Yesterday, Bella ate nothing - not even a single cookie. As the day went on, she got more and more listless and just laid in her bed. By evening, she would not even get up to go out. This morning, she was the same. She went out once this afternoon about noon time and just urinated and slowly walked around a little bit. She normally runs and loves her outside ventures. She laid in the bed again and just stayed there. She is panting a little bit on and off. During the course of today, she has vomited up small amounts of yellow/green liquid several times. She has had a few drinks of water, however, but moving slowly. She just looks like she feels bad. Poor baby.
  21. I am so sorry for your losing your dear sweet Sammie. She is such a beautiful girl. Thanks for sharing her picture. Run free sweet Sammie.
  22. All my babies had some sort of phobia of a new sound or motion over the years. Sierra would shudder whenever the ceiling fans would start to run. She would look up and "head for the hills". Bella would get scared of the gargabe truck and hide and get scared. Angel would panic when fire works went off in the neighborhood. I do not know the experitise advice to give, but I just loved them all through these new "panic buttons". Greyhounds are extra sensitive of the new environments we expose them to, and in time, they get used to it.
  23. Cute pics. She certainly loves cuddles like you mentioned. I only had one like that years ago. I miss that. My Bella is too dignified. She will come to me for attention when SHE wants it. I feel like a second class cuddle servant to her. LOL LOL
  24. I just noticed at the bottom of your page your siggie has him there - "Popcorn". That is so funny.
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