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Everything posted by EllenEveBaz

  1. Run with the wind, Kenny.
  2. I'm so sorry that your beautiful Lottie is gone.
  3. Yay, Ryder! I've enjoyed following your adventures.
  4. Congratulations, Buzzy and Sebastian!!
  5. I'm on a Kathleen Gilley kick tonight. Here's her Using Sit as a Bonding Tool. Enjoy!
  6. One thing you can try with Stanley when he gets too boisterous around you is just to turn your back to him. Clasp your hands across your body so he can't try to nose under them. Here's a link to a funny and informative article by the late Kathleen Gilley: No Fear No Pain Methods of Discipline. She was speaking to a conference of adoption group volunteers, I think. The article is long, but you'll come across her six suggestions for discipline and one or more may suit you (and Stanley). Paper and foam rubber tearing -- you'll probably have to catch him in the act and use your chosen discipline method. But I warn you that paper shredding is evidently addictive to greyhounds. My second grey specialized in library books; my fourth in (used) tissues. I never made a serious dent in either's behavior when unsupervised.
  7. Welcome to you and your greyhound-to-be. She'll soon have you wrapped around her little dewclaw. If you'd like more greyhound reading while you're waiting for your girl, you could try www.greyhoundgang.com. Lots of good info. [The Greyhound Guide] and pics on the site. The headquarters is relatively close to you, too -- in Kanab.
  8. Welcome to you and the pups. If Molly is like other dachshunds I know, she'll soon be ruling the roost and telling that big grey just what he can and can't do.
  9. Hello to you and Kadee. Typical greyhound person -- checks out the dogplay area before finishing moving.
  10. Another fan of those ears -- she is gorgeous! And sounds like she's a ball of fun.
  11. Two beautiful dogs. Joker's black coat looks stunning. How great that the two are a perfect match!
  12. Sending all sorts of cyber pats and scritches to your handsome stripey boy.
  13. I'm sorry your boy has this illness. But greyt news about his good response to the treatment! Keep on truckin', Zevon!
  14. Time enough to worry about tomorrow when it comes. Just enjoy Ruby the Wonderdog and today. Go, Ruby! Every girl needs a little swing on her back porch.
  15. Sending best wishes. It sounds encouraging that she's eating.
  16. How terrible. I'm so sorry.
  17. I can't see the pictures, they are not completely loading on my screen. But swollen toes are fairly common in this house. Sometimes they go back down, and sometimes they remain swollen. I've never had a dog refuse to put weight on the foot, though. While cancer is always a possibility even in a toe, it's more likely to something less serious. The vet should be able to get a good x-ray of it. Hugs to your girl.
  18. The most fitting tribute to a loved hound is to give a home to another. What a special girl she was.
  19. What a beautiful diva she was. It's never long enough, is it?
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