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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Lori, I am not his SS but I will try to get a special package in the mail for him this week.
  2. Congrats! They are both adorable, I am sure your house is full of joy now!
  3. I am not sure which SS it was (for the boys or for the girls) but one of our SS sent Chocolate to for ME! Thank you so much! The hounds are still patiently (yeah right! ) waiting for their surprises, but Mommy is happy now!
  4. Oh he is so handsome! And I love the froggie picture, that is very rare!
  5. I agree, I think Perfect is a perfect name! As much as my neighbors laugh at me calling Paradise in our yard, I can only imagine what they would say if I were out there calling "Perfect". He is gorgeous, congrats!
  6. I was thinking the same thing! I hope you love it now that you have stopped lurking!
  7. Lots of good thoughts for you and for Beecher.
  8. Oh my gosh, he is gorgeous!! Welcome home!
  9. Gryf has quite a handsome face! Welcome, glad to see all of your gorgeous hounds!
  10. We bought the spray from GEM and I REALLY prefer it over the gel!
  11. She is adorable! And I love her name!
  12. The picture in your siggy is adorable!
  13. Can't wait to see pictures!
  14. Give that handsome boy a big welcome home kiss for me!
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