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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. While I am happy that you found GT, I am sad that you are faced with such a difficult decision. I have no advice, never having been through this myself, but my thoughts are with you and your family!
  2. Glad to see you back Nicole!!
  3. She sounds like a real sweetie, I can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful girl! I have a "talker" too, it is amazing the sounds they can make, isn't it?
  4. Oh Abby, you look mahvelous! And a belated
  5. Carla, I am so so sorry!
  6. Welcome to the world of greyhounds! It sounds like you already have the kitty litter lesson down! We use babygates all over our house, people who visit think we are crazy, but we literally have 3 babygates within sight the minute you walk in the door. The cats have their own room where no hounds are allowed, this has their food and their beds/toys/etc and we have the litterboxes in the closet under our stairs, the door has a "cat door" in it so only the kitties can get in, no hounds allowed! Other than that, it sounds like you are doing your research, welcome to GT and I know you will love your hound and become just as addicted as we all are!
  7. Yep, that's me! Off topic with you, but I would love to see Dillon in his new collar if you get a chance!
  8. Welcome to the south! Unfortunately I don't know of a way to repel fire ants other than to get rid of their mounds. If they are in YOUR yard, you can sprinkle food grade diatomaceous (sp?) earth, which isn't harmful to the hounds, but it will get rid of the mount. This also helps with fleas and other ground bugs. You can also get beneficial nematodes and spray them over your yard to eat the bug larvae. As for walking your hound, not much you can do besides watch out for those fire ant mounds!
  9. Too bad you didn't take video...that could have been fun!
  10. You have come to the perfect place to learn about greyhounds!
  11. I look forward to seeing more pictures of Mary!
  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Link, but glad you are back!
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