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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Poor guy, I hope he feels better very soon! From what I read when Mia was diagnosed, it is VERY common for hounds to have more than one TBD, all it takes is a bit from a tick that is infected to get any one of them, if he was bitten by multiple ticks, he would have multiple TBDs.
  2. It is for laryngeal paralysis (I know I butchered that spelling). The tie back surgery is designed to keep the larynx from getting "stuck" closed to help the hound breathe better.
  3. Many many good thoughts are going out to Aidan and her family.
  4. I use it on my own teeth but I have never thought to try it on the hounds. I can just imagine Mia or Tippy if I came near them with a buzzing toothbrush.
  5. You have come to the right place to learn more about greyhounds!
  6. And congrats! I am sure you will find the wait was worth it!
  7. Many many good thoughts coming to you and to Bodie!
  8. I'm so sorry. The Kony/Callie roach brought a smile and tears to my eyes.
  9. Happy to see you got the photos to work, Kramer is adorable!
  10. Oh gosh! I would say work on desensitizing with the leashes. Keep them handy so you can just pick up the leash and jingle it and then walk away (make sure everyone is on firm footing when you do it). Do this until they ignore you. Then practice putting the leash on their collar, taking it off, and putting it away. Do this until they ignore you when you do it. That way the sound of the leash doesn't send them into a frenzy. Good luck, I know that sound when they lose footing on their back legs, Iceman did that a few months ago and I was more upset than he was about it!
  11. I agree, if your vet isn't used to seeing GH lab work, the diagnosis may be off. I would ask for a copy of the lab work (for $377, they shouldn't argue!)
  12. 2hounds


    I am so sorry
  13. Your hounds are gorgeous!
  14. 2hounds

    Good Bye Mae Mae

    What a sweet face, I am so sorry.
  15. Welcome! I can't wait to see pictures of your lovely new girl!
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