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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. And congrats! Jackie is gorgeous!
  2. She has certainly earned her name, what a beauty! Welcome to you and also to Grace and Cosmo!
  3. That is wonderful news, I am so happy that Chase is responding well!
  4. Welcome! It sounds like you had a wonderful introduction to greyhounds. There are many people on this forum in your area, hopefully some of them can chime in and help you find a group that is close to you!
  5. This will be our 4th year there, it is a beautiful hotel, I hope you can make it!
  6. Magnus is gorgeous, congrats!
  7. She is beautiful, congrats! Are you coming to Sandy Paws in Jekyll Island, GA?
  8. Many good thoughts coming to Chase and also to you.
  9. Eeek! Well, if you want to treat the grass itself, you can get beneficial nematodes and spray them over the yard, they eat the tick eggs. I can't remember if diatomacious earth works on ticks or not. For the hounds, Toms of Maine makes a good natural spray but you have to spray them every day or every other day with it. Or there is always frontline if you want to blast them with the big guns.
  10. We use a muzzle with a poop cup here. I hope he heals quickly!
  11. Oh Linda! Watch the poop for a few days and hopefully you will see the pieces. I would pay special attention to Memmy
  12. Ick! I pulled a tick off of Tippy the other day too, I have NEVER seen one in the winter here but we have had weird weather here. Hope everything is ok!
  13. Poor Maggie, that e-collar is quite large! I hope she feels better soon
  14. I am so sorry to hear about your Harley, I know you will get some great advice, but I wanted to offer a hug
  15. Hi Lynn! I met you this year at the art show, so glad you decided to join Greytalk!
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