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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Oh my gosh, poor girl! I hope she feels better very soon.
  2. He looks Stunning! Michelle did a great job picking that!
  3. Yep, it is cold. Their hair stands up to add an extra "air barrier" between the outside cold and their skin.
  4. I am a puddle of mush after seeing that second picture, how SWEET!!!
  5. Welcome home Mya!! I don't know how dogs think of each other, but they may just feel more at ease because you are.
  6. Aw sweet girl!! She looks STUNNING in her Peacock Cherry Blossoms!
  7. I have one last package to get in the mail for another person and I need to get mine sent out. Like Diane, somehow mine is the last to go out but it WILL get there on time!
  8. I miss Hannah Banana too, she was such a cool girl!
  9. I just posted an update in EEG, she is home and feeling better.
  10. I just got back from visiting her, because she wasn't able to keep anything down and because she had D so bad, she wasn't absorbing her pred and azathioprine for the last 2 days. So she has had another flare up of the immune mediated part of her disease. They are going to keep her for one more night so they can keep giving her meds via IV and let her eat a few meals without any medication so her tummy has some time to rest. Keep sending good thoughts, right now Dr. Hopwood is planning to send her home tomorrow as long as she eats every meal, keeps it down and doesn't have any more big D.
  11. 12.03.07 I just got back from visiting her, because she wasn't able to keep anything down and because she had D so bad, she wasn't absorbing her pred and azathioprine for the last 2 days. So she has had another flare up of the immune mediated part of her disease. They are going to keep her for one more night so they can keep giving her meds via IV and let her eat a few meals without any medication so her tummy has some time to rest. Keep sending good thoughts, right now Dr. Hopwood is planning to send her home tomorrow as long as she eats every meal, keeps it down and doesn't have any more big D. 12.2.07 Long story short, Mia started having Diahrea 2 days ago and she started vomiting yesterday so we took her to the evet yesterday. Her fever was 103.3. They did blood tests and a uti test, all came back clean. They gave her subq fluids and sent her home with 2 antibiotics. I slept downstairs with her by herself last night so I could keep an eye on her and let her out when she needed to go and she went outside about every hour until 8am this morning and then she didn't go out for almost 3 hours. She refused breakfast this morning and we couldn't get her pills in her. Her fever shot back up today to 104.8 and she stopped drinking water, so I took her back to the evet this morning and they are keeping her overnight. We are worried because her immune system is still compromised (she is still on azathioprine and prednisone) and we have no idea what this is. In addition, the subq fluids they gave her bruised and irritated her skin and she is pink all over. Please send positive healing thoughts to my little girl, I hope after 24 hours on fluids and IV antibiotics, she feels 100% better tomorrow and can come home.
  12. Welcome! We hope you will learn pictures soon so we can see her!
  13. What beautiful pictures! I am enjoying seeing everyone get their SS gifts, but I am feeling SUPER guilty that I haven't sent my own SS gifts out yet!
  14. Wow, 2 gorgeous red hounds! Welcome Home pretty girl and congrats!
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