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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Gina, I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you and Joe. Please call if you need anything.
  2. Welcome! Breagha is a gorgeous girl!
  3. Poor guy! My understanding (which is limited) is that cancer can grow anywhere there are cells, which means anywhere on the body. My thoughts are with your friend.
  4. Sounds like you are doing all of the right things to prepare. Stewie is gorgeous, congrats!
  5. Oh gosh! I am so sorry you have lost Austin, many well wishes and bright thoughts for you that he will show himself soon. But I am glad you found GT and we all look forward to getting to know you better.
  6. Great question, I am always cringing when I see the length of my hounds' nails! And Lexie does look stunning in pink!
  7. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used in toilets, sinks, etc and it kills many of the same bacteria that other household cleaners kill. We use it in the toilet because it seems like no matter how faithful we are about putting the seats down AND closing the door, some hound seems to manage to get her nose in the toilet to drink (PARADISE! )
  8. Good thoughts coming for Otis and for you!
  9. Sweet Shadow, lots of healthy thoughts coming your way!
  10. Beautiful girlie, lots of healthy thoughts coming your way!
  11. Welcome! Charger's ears are adorable!
  12. You have a gorgeous family!
  13. It sounds like you have a wonderful family!
  14. I just saw this, congrats on the new group and thank you for doing such a great job!
  15. for you and Hannah both. It sounds like she has adjusted beautifully and was just waiting for you to catch up to what she already knew!
  16. Poor guy! And poor you! Lots of healing thoughts coming your way.
  17. My heart breaks for Sandy. Wrangles was a very special boy to so many people.
  18. Oh gosh, I have no helpful advice but wanted to offer hugs for you and for Betsy!
  19. Jumpy is beautiful, congrats!
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