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Everything posted by 2hounds

  1. Many hugs to you and to sweet lazy Beecher.
  2. I was sewing easter collars today!
  3. Mia is on Azathiaprine, we started it with hopes of getting her off pred. It does have some liver side effect possibilities, but it is much safer than prednisone for long term use (according to my vet). We take her in every 2 weeks for CBCs to make sure her white blood cells and other bloodwork looks ok.
  4. Go to the vet! This sounds like an ulcer, this is one of the signs you are supposed to watch for because it can indicate a bleeding ulcer. GO NOW, do not wait until tomorrow!!! I hope your Bandit feels better soon!
  5. And funny enough, there is a member of this board who has hounds named Copper AND Thunder!
  6. No judgements, we have had to make our hounds puke before too. I recommend either the peroxide or you can also use a salt water mixture (a LOT of salt, not much water) and that will also make them vomit. Either one you decide on, give it to them and stand back. (I personally like the salt water version better, no foamies!)
  7. Awww, the boys are gorgeous! And I love the name Fooseball!
  8. Wow, UPS dropped off a HUGE box with toys, treats (mmmm, burpdogs!), and even a coffee cup for me! Thank you SO much Diane, I will get pictures hopefully this weekend. I think this is the second time you have been my SS, how lucky am I?
  9. Your girl looks gorgeous! I would love to borrow one of these pictures for my website!
  10. Sending good thoughts, feel better soon handsome!
  11. She is adorable! (as are the labs!) Welcome Home sweet face!
  12. Welcome! Your pups are adorable!
  13. She's beautiful! And I love her name!
  14. We received our package in the mail but I am ashamed to admit I haven't taken pictures yet. I promise pictures of Mia and Paradise enjoying their box full of treats and toys and holiday goodness this week. But we wanted to go ahead and thank you! I am not sure what your Mommy's name is, you signed the card Precious and Dasher and Jackson the foster. The names are all very familiar but I can't place your Mommy's name. If you could advise me that would be wonderful!
  15. What a beautiful girl! I am so happy to finally see her!
  16. Hi Miss Ginny! I was so surprised to see your name as one of my SS people! Lucky for me, it was easy to pick your collar, I just looked at what you had on your wish list! I hope you enjoyed the stuffies and the burpdogs and I hope you and your brothers and sisters have a very Merry Christmas!
  17. They are both beautiful! We look forward to seeing your new girls!
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