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Everything posted by brandimom

  1. Glad to hear that Dylan is doing better and thanks for the advice on the aspirin. I am fairly new to GT and see Dr. Couto's name come up quite a bit. Could someone PM me and tell me who he is (I will probably be embarrassed when you tell me who he is). Thanks.
  2. We are glad you shared your story of Jackson with us and we all know how scary it is but remember we are here for you. Please continue to keep us posted. Sending good thoughts and prayers out to you and Jackson. Welcome to the group and just noticed this is your first post!
  3. So glad to hear that Jamey is home and feeling much better. Very sweet of Michael to big that ramp for Jamey. Great daddy!
  4. Good thoughts coming your way for Jasmine! The dogs also have their paws crossed. I have had kidney stones off and on for years and normally have to have them "blasted". I had contacted Marina at www.naturalrearing.com and she sent me a natural supplement which has helped. She also has natural supplements for canines for kidney stones/bladder stones. Would not hurt to contact and ask her what she recommends. Marina@naturalrearing.com. She is a wealth of information for my three dogs. Wishing Jasmine the best recovery ever! P.S. Don't know if bladder stones in dogs is the same as kidney stones.
  5. I have been following all the posts on this and what a wealth of information this group has provided. So glad to hear that Sterling is loping around in the yard and yes glad it is not winter with snow. Continued prayers and thoughts for all of you. Sterling has certainly showed you that he is a FIGHTER!
  6. So glad to hear Joey is home and with you. I pray that you both get the needed rest. We continue to pray and have wonderful healing thoughts for Joey. He is a fighter!!!!!
  7. I am with KYGREY! I would be a nervous wreck while going on vacation and wondering what if. If it was my Brandi we would be going to the vet for "peace of mind". Did you buy the EMT spray from the vet or somewhere else?
  8. It is nothing scary, nothing scary, nothing scary!!!!! But I am putting in good thoughts for you and Gia. Please keep us posted!
  9. I don't have any advice as I have not been through this but just wanted to let you know good thoughts and prayers to you and Katie. Please keep all of us posted!
  10. I agree with RooCroo. Very very difficult decision to make. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your baby. How wonderful your baby has you! I think at that age I would make her as comfortable as possible! My heart breaks for you..............
  11. I don't have any advice but just wanted you to know that Brandi has been on .20 mg. of pred since 2004 and it has not upset her tummy but I know each dog is different with meds.
  12. There is always room to discuss poops! A solid poop means that the food is digesting well (at least to me).
  13. Sounds excessive - $250 for a check up and $500 for x-ray +. I just changed vets and found quite a difference in their exam charges. Perhaps check with your friends and see who they use as a vet and what they charge and of course if they are signthound savvy. If they are not sighthound savvy maybe they are open to learning.
  14. You are going through way too much right now. Of course Jack is in our prayers and you too!
  15. What a beautiful video that you will have forever. What a character. Loved watching her get the paper, the mail, getting hosed on, sleeping with you head to head. I am sorry that she is gone.
  16. I am late in reading this post. I am so sorry..............
  17. I am so sorry that I am just seeing this post now. What a beautiful elegant picture of Misty. Thinking of you.
  18. Happy birthday beautiful girl.....
  19. If I was a greyhound, I certainly would want you as my mommy. She was so fortunate to have you take such good care of her right to the end. There isn't anything else you could have done so please do not beat yourself up. You were a wonderful grey mommy and Penny knew it. I think it is normal to question ourselves and feel the guilt but you should not feel that guilt. Your GT family is here for you. I am so sorry............
  20. Absolutely beautiful and thank you for sharing.........
  21. brandimom


    Mango,, what a beautiful girl. Too young............I am so sorry.
  22. brandimom

    Rip Peanut...

    Oh she is a cutie. What a long and wonderful life but still I know it is hard......and I am sorry for your loss.
  23. Well I don't live in your area but I swear by my holistic vet. My grey goes once a month for acu and chiro and I think it has made a world of difference in her quality of life. Hope you do find one in your area.
  24. I have not been through this so I do not have any advice but I send you prayers, good thoughts for you/family and Cheer.
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