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Everything posted by brandimom

  1. Thank you for wonderful news about Elsie. I know you "worry' because you don't know the history. Like so many of us that have rescued greys we do not know the history but just pray and hope all is well! Elsie will be just fine! Here is a for her.
  2. I have no information to pass on to you but I would be very interested in reading the posts that you will be receiving.
  3. I am so sorry to hear this sad news . Our prayers and thoughts are with all of you!
  4. Run to another vet as quick as you can and I speak from experience when it comes to thyroid testing. I believed my vet when he said my af needed .6 mg twice a day. I ended up emailing Dr. Dodds and asking her and she said it was way too much for a sighthound. I would print everything that the GT people have posted on this thread and take to another vet. Maybe someone in your area has a greyhound savy vet they could recommend. Dr. Dodds also said in her email that a high dosage could cause an irregular heart beat which my dog has now. PM if you want and I will forward you the emails that Dr. Dodds sent me (HEMOPET).
  5. I am so sorry that Willie is not doing well. Prayers and good thoughts for you and Willie. Please keep us posted on Monday (it is Sunday afternoon here).
  6. I have an afghan that started loosing GOBBS of hair and the first thing I thought of was thyroid levels. I would have the thyroid checked and make sure your vet knows the difference in thyroid levels with sighthounds vs. dogs in general. Good luck!
  7. I would buy the pure glucosamine from Claudia at www.greyhoundgang.org She has done a lot of research and knows her stuff. Very reasonable and it is 100% pure with no fillers.
  8. Sarah - age 11 1/2 Gus - age 12 Tawny - age 12 Your baby has got a lot of years left in her. Enjoy!
  9. Lots of love, hugs, good thoughts, pravers and paws crossed for Cafe's rapid recovery.
  10. She is stunning!!!!!!!!!!! Interesting spelling of her name. Is there a story behind that name?
  11. I pray for the greys, the non-greys and all the families that need extra strength right now.
  12. Great news....walking, roaching.....Yahoo! But the butt niks are the best.
  13. I do not have any advice but I send prayers, paws crossed, good thoughts for your family and Riley.
  14. Oh that is definitely good news and thanks for sharing. Yes we do need to hear good news. Here is a cookie for her from my gang to says congrats!
  15. Remember in humans, one ear is bigger, one breast is bigger, one foot is bigger. Probably nothing to worry about if Lexi is not limping. I also have a Lexi at home, 4 paws. A trip to the holistic vet for chiro might just be what Lexi needs.
  16. Of course you want your baby back. I have no advice but we send good wishes, good thoughts and crossed paws that you get a diagnosis. Please keep us posted.
  17. Oswald will do just fine without his tail. Two of my greys had happy tail and they were amputated. Sending get well wishes to Oswald
  18. I had similar situation with my grey (at the bridge). Western vet wanted to do myleogram (sp?) so I got a second opinion from the holistic vet that did chiro/acupuncture and then finally prolo treatment. We did six sessions of prolo with the holistic vet and never had another problem with limping or neck issues. It is a series of injections (www.getprolo.com) but ask your holistic vet if you have one. Please keep us posted.
  19. All paws crossed at this home for Riley to pull through and bounce back quickly.
  20. I don't have any advice but I send lots of love to Fenway and tell him to "poop solid" so as not to worry his guardians.
  21. Only good thoughts and prayers for you and Hannah. She is going to be just fine, I know I know!
  22. I just had to read these posts again and again! I love that pic of him in the roach----now that is a content grey. Have you thought of doing a scrap book of this to show him when he is completely healed and also show him how much he is loved!
  23. Wonderful news that Canyon is doing much better. Glad you all are taking some family time together....sound lovely. Wow, did I see more than 400 replies for Canyon?. What a much loved baby/ It is so wonderful to know that everyone loves Canyon and his family, two legs and four legs. Wow that is quite impressive and the information you have just given us may help another grey!
  24. Beautiful Bandit! Chasing mice at Rainbow Bridge.
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