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Everything posted by FiveRoooooers

  1. Well if that isn't the best darn reason for the lack of updates - no doggos to share Everyone has a Hold or is being worked with (best of luck, Ami, dear boy). Ahem. Ah, yes, I see the comments It's true But you should keep this handsome young man! Happy Easter!
  2. It's been almost two months without an update from the House of FosterFail Consideration
  3. Lucy, no. Here’s the BOH (Box O’Hounds) from earlier in the day. It got worse
  4. Awww but Pffftttt! You just do what you gotta do for the oldies. Y'all know, you do it! Single shovel width for one hound, double for two, yada yada. I could no longer be five roooooers
  5. I’ve kept up with shoveling this long side of the campers track with all of our previous storms. Not this time. Maybe I’ll do a foot at a time. Or wate til Spring The other three sides are finished. Again. For now. Until the wind blows it all back. Two+ feet of powder so it’s easy to move, but even my shovel cried Uncle The campers thoughts at the moment on all of this. (They actually have been enjoying the snow )
  6. Queen Toodles! That appears to be an also-labeled Gravity Defying Derp
  7. Aww Dooo Seamie did the same throne-hugging during a storm but something changed he eventually became brave enough to Sphinx on the porch and shake. I've got nothing but I'm sure that someone, something will help.
  8. Doooo, you'd fit right in here. We'll leave the light on for ya
  9. Sigh, I had an extra Help 'Em Up harness and cannot for the life of me locate it which makes me think that it was rehomed. I do have a fleece-lined sling with web handles that you are welcome to use until you can get what you're really looking for, if that would help.
  10. Not "puppies and a taco" but "a puppy and tacos" - smart girl! Happy birthday and welcome home, officially, Lil Poppy
  11. Sigh. Gracie, wot the flock? Seamie had SLO and we went thru a lot of crime scenes but managed to deal with them at home I hope they can see your wild girl asap and get that taken care of. Let us know Sleep startle, tho
  12. Donna, was she a tri? What a gorgeous Irish lass! (and thank you for the Paddy love).
  13. Yes, yes you are! It's possible, but with a bandit you just never know Wiki
  14. Rewriting today’s banner to accommodate Paddy ALVIN Mayhem: Hard to live with and lucky to have Happy St Paddy’s Day, everyone
  15. No worries! If you decide that you'd like to add some contrast to your decor, AnnIE may still be available. We continue to consider any and all offers
  16. Let's talk again. In a few years. When Lacifer is about five She is faboo but I'm afraid that she is far too young (and ) to apply for camp membership. Thanks for the offer tho (I do miss my close-sleeping hounds).
  17. Thank you Lucy, but we're knot rehoming our brindle, that's Punkin! However, learning new things sounds like something AnnIE, who is Wiki color black, would enjoy
  18. Same re the neighbors, having five brindle campers was the best! Thank you! Now that we know that Mistress is a real and troo momma (wot a grate dayboo!), this offer can be seriously considered
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