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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Oh no! Donna, I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm shocked!
  2. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

  3. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

  4. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

  5. What a sweet, beautiful girl she was, and they all were
  6. Pam and Beth, you're both amazing
  7. Excellent! Best to be systematic I'll be looking for positive updates.
  8. robinw

    Crystal Nebraska

    Oh no...not Nebbie!!!! I'm so very sorry. He was such a sweet, beautiful guy. I'm sure his friend Loca met him at the bridge with hugs and kisses.
  9. OMG Robin that is right. Maybe this time we can actually meet up. Sharon I kept getting all of these emails about whether I was going to be able to make it. I was like, uh, I'm stuck in Chile and there was just a major earthquake. It was almost the furthest thing from my mind I hope we can meet at the next conference, Sharon
  10. I'm so very sorry for your loss. He must've been very special
  11. There was an entire thread about blood banks. It's common for greyhounds to donate blood. In fact, there's a big volunteer program here. IMO it's better to have your dog donate blood than to have your vet keep a dog captive for his/her blood. It's harmless and it might save a life or two or three . ETA: Mine are both to old to donate, or else they would be donors, also.
  12. Maybe the thing to do is to wait a little bit (ankle allowing ), have a second set of x-rays taken, then send them off for further evaluation. Good luck with your surgery!
  13. Wasn't Star beautiful! I'm so sorry
  14. OMG, I screamed "NO" when I saw GP's name. Leslie, I am so very sorry. I wish I knew the right words to say... Just know that the handsome Gustopher P. Jones was loved by so many of us and will be sorely missed Please take care of yourself, Leslie
  15. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

  16. robinw


    From the album: My Dogs

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