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Everything posted by robinw

  1. I agree 1000% TBDs can lay dormant for years. Phoenix was treated for babesia shortly after I adopted him, and since it is carried by brown ticks which aren't native to where I live, he had to have been infected when he was young. Please read this site for more information.
  2. Have you tried feeding here satin balls? here's the recipe, compliments of hubcitypam: 1 lg. box oatmeal 1 jar of wheat germ 1 1/4 cup veg oil 1 1/4 cup of unsulfured molasses 10 raw eggs AND shells 10 envelopes of unflavored gelatin pinch of salt Mix all ingredients together, much like you would a meatloaf. Roll into balls and freeze in baggies. Feed as needed.
  3. Has Ava been tested for tick borne diseases, such as babesia and ehrlichiosis?
  4. Very nice sit! I hate to burst your bubble, but Treasure sits on her own all the time. I've been trying to teach her to do it on command forever and haven't had any luck. I even took her to obedience school and she did nothing. No sitting, no downs, nothing.
  5. Happy Birthday Lewis! Those are some of my very favourite pictures.
  6. Treasure does that, also. It's really funny, isn't it?
  7. Melissa, I miss you and Penny, also. I'm so sorry about Penny.
  8. I agree with you, Karen. It kind of reminds me of grade school tattle tales who take pleasure in getting their classmates in trouble. This IS serious stuff, not a joke. I understand why "abuse" posts aren't allowed; they result in pages and pages of almost identical comments, but I wonder if they keep showing up because the originals are deleted...
  9. robinw

    My Dylan....

    Oh no, I'm so very sorry
  10. Loca used to steal and eat peanuts all the time, shells and all. She was always fine.
  11. What a beautiful video. Happy Birthday Bear!
  12. Welcome to GT Happens all the time. Don't take it personally, ok? Concentrate on the constructive comments and ignore the snarkiness.
  13. robinw

    Black Stop

    I'm so sorry for your loss
  14. robinw


    Oh no, Jen, I'm so very sorry
  15. Perhaps you have a neighbour who will walk for dog because she wants to, and at a cheaper rate than professional walkers? My dog walker, also a neighbour, charges $25 per week for two dogs.
  16. I'm so sorry. I know how much Kathy loved him
  17. Sparks has back issues, my vet never suggested an MRI We did an x-ray which shows the 2 spots that are bothering him. He's on restricted activity for the rest of his life (he's 12.5). I goofed today though and he did the happy dance after his poop and started to run around the yard. I'm always outside with him so I made him stop right away. I'm glad he's feeling better but I don't want him to get hurt again. Sorry for the hijack Robin no, this wasn't a hijack. i've learned something from your post nothing like MRIs have been recommended at this point. $3600 is a fortune! I hope your hound, Sparks, and all of the others feel better soon.
  18. he is also seeing a doggie chiropractor/ message therapist on saturday. ugh. he spent last night whining. then i had to leave the house quickly for about 15 minutes yesterday evening. i returned to find that treasure had eaten a box of shortbread cookies topped with dark dark chocolate that was on the kitchen counter (along with some typhoo teabags). called the vet, she told me how much peroxide to give her and it came out. ever have one of those days where you wish you didn't have dogs? just kidding, i love them.
  19. good news! phene's blood work is normal (I was happy that the vet added, "for a greyhound"), so we can continue with treatment. I've also made an app't with a holistic vet for acupuncture.acupuncture.
  20. Thanks all for your suggestions and good wishes. I'll look for milk thistle. I like the idea of bubble wrapping him, Poor guy is downstairs whining to join us upstairs, but that's not going to happen. I think the tramadol is making him crazy.
  21. A few weeks ago I noticed that Phoenix looked very uncomfortable when he was walking and that he back was bent like a "C". By the end of the day, he was fine. Two Saturdays ago, the same thing happened so we went off to the vet, who gave him a prescription of rimadyl and suggested I walk him with a harness and give him bed rest. He seemed fine until yesterday (I was bad and let him out with Treasure). Off to the vet again this morning. Since I gave him aspirin yesterday, Phene will be taking tramadol for the next two weeks, then will start on a long term regimen of rimadyl if his blood work shows that his liver and kidneys can take it. Does anybody here have a similar situation? What have you done to make your dog more comfortable? He has been having difficulty laying down and walking. Any other advice? thanks
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