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Everything posted by robinw

  1. Oh no, how heartbreaking. I hope Sabrosa's and Xolotl's can be managed
  2. How about clover? It's sturdy and needs very little care. I'm in the process of switching from grass to clover because I don't believe in lawns
  3. robinw

    Bindi Bug

    Oh no, how awful! My heart skipped a beat then I saw Bindi's name. I'm so very sorry
  4. Do you think that perhaps injuries and wear and tear on racers' bodies might contribute to the high osteo numbers?
  5. We miss you tons, BarbieJade
  6. What an odd question. Would you choose a dog of a different colour if there was a correlation between brindle and cancer? Personally, I'm not sure f that's information I would want to know.
  7. Kitchener-Waterloo area New Hamburg Veterinary Clinic 19 Arnold St. New Hamburg ON N3A 2C6 519-622-1525 Five very good, very compassionate vets. Wonderful staff. Very grey savvy; their groomer breeds CKC greyhounds and does coursing. 24 hour access. Reasonably priced. Well worth the drive from Kitchener.
  8. I'm glad you're getting to the bottom of this. Beth will be just fine
  9. This is something that RobinM often posts. It's well worth reading
  10. You'll find the harness so helpful! That's the same one I use with Loca. Hopefully your next post will be announcing Cash's homecoming
  11. This is so scary! Hoping Beth makes a full recovery very soon.
  12. While we're at it, I had a cat that had similar reactions to insecticide. Could that be a possibility?
  13. One thing I want to add...I'd always had active mixed breed dogs before adopting the extremely mellow Phoenix. Until I got to know more about the breed, I was convinced that he hated me. If you're feeling that way, please know that it's just the way they are . Like others, he didn't really start to come out of his shell until I adopted #2 1.5 years later. I'm not suggesting you do that; it's a big commitment, but he was quite reserved until he met bridge angel Loca.
  14. I'm sorry, I just saw this. I really, really hope it's not a tumour and that it's something easily fixable. You're both in my thoughts
  15. Beautiful tribute. I'm so sorry for your loss
  16. She was absolutely beautiful!
  17. He seems exactly like Phoenix. Phoenix isn't shy, he's just a bit reserved and very cat like. He's not a snuggler, He's very laid back; so much so that after I first adopted him, I used to wake him up every once in a while to make sure he was still alive. HONEST!~ He only shows real enthusiasm with a few people, and it took well over a year for him to take treats from my hand. Having said that, 3.5 months is nothing! Hermes will change; Phene is still changing and I adopted him 8 years ago! Relax and be patient .
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