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Everything posted by crazygang

  1. Deeply sorry for your loss.....she was so beautiful and obviously lived life to the full...
  2. Oh No!!!! So deeply sorry...I was saddened to read his name in rememberence...run free precious
  3. Deeply sorry for your loss.....what a beautiful girl she was.....your hearts must be in pieces
  4. Deepest sympathy for losing your precious boy
  5. So deeply sorry for your loss....
  6. What a darling precious he was.... I feel so desperately sad for you losing him.... Sending the very deepest sympathy to you and your husband
  7. I remember your story moved me to tears....so tragic....it never should've happened. Deeply sorry for the loss of your precious girl Nina she was beautiful.
  8. Oh no!!! How helpless you must've felt..... She was not alone and you were with her at the end....she would have found reassurance with that. Run free Roo
  9. I remember....... Ivy and Soldi
  10. so sad......deeply sorry
  11. So very deeply sorry to hear of both your losses......your heart must be in pieces
  12. Deepest sympathy for your loss.....so very sorry...
  13. He was obviously a character with a big presence....sorry for your loss
  14. So deeply sorry....feel your pain of loss in every word....
  15. Deeply sorry for your loss... Heart was a precious darling and you did right by her
  16. She was very special...and a beautiful soul. So deeply sorry for your loss.
  17. Lovely tribute to your little tough old man Archie......don't terriers just wriggle into your heart and not let go. You may not think it now but in time you will look fondly on precious memories without loss tearing at your heart. {{{hugs}}} Amber and Soulman
  18. I'm so deeply sorry you have lost your golden girl Hilda She will be with Gogh for sure! Give Smiley a big hug as he will miss her as you and your other hounds will...........
  19. What a lovely tribute..... I'm deeply saddened that it all went so tragically wrong....a senseless death. Just awful Run free Calypso you are in good company...........
  20. Deeply sorry for your loss......she was beautiful...
  21. crazygang


    Remembering beautiful Loca.......reunited with your brother Phene now Robin
  22. Oh God no!!!!!!!!!! Not Phene I saw the title and my heart sank... Robin I'm so very deeply sorry.....It's a nice thought to think that Loca was there to greet him.. Phoenix was indeed a special boy and an extremely handsome greyhound. {{{{hugs}}}} Karen & gang
  23. crazygang


    What a stunning boy he was......so deeply sorry for your loss
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