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Everything posted by BertnLil

  1. BertnLil

    Rip Lj

    Thank you for showing him love. I'm sorry he's gone, but glad he's no longer in pain.
  2. Welcome from NJ. Manley has the cutest face!
  3. Oh no, what an awful shock. I'm so sorry.
  4. Oh, no Holly. I'm so sorry.
  5. I'm so sorry. What a sweet looking boy.
  6. BertnLil


    I'm so sorry.
  7. Oh, no Alicia. I'm so sorry.
  8. Welcome! Jack is very handsome.
  9. I am so sorry to read about Berkeley.
  10. Hi! I'm FROM Basking Ridge--Mom still lives there! I now live in the sticks--Sussex county. Welcome!
  11. Happy Birthday Joe. Hugs to you, Jane. :grouphug
  12. Oh, no Valerie. I have been following Gabe's progress in the Osteo thread. I hate that effing disease. I'm so sorry he had to leave.
  13. I'm so sorry. What a life she had!
  14. BertnLil


    I'm so sorry.
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