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Everything posted by BertnLil

  1. Sending good thoughts for Powder. I have no experience with cellulitis, hopefully someone here does.
  2. BertnLil


    Oh no! I'm so sorry.
  3. Too young. I'm so sorry.
  4. BertnLil


    I'm so sorry Joanne.
  5. BertnLil

    My Baby Is Gone

    Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry. What a terrible shock.
  6. Welcome Duncan! What a beautiful boy.
  7. Sending good thoughts for Gia.
  8. BertnLil


    Truly a special boy. I'm so sorry.
  9. Sending good thoughts for you and Symbra.
  10. BertnLil

    Cocktail Kitty

    What a special, special girl. I'm so sorry.
  11. Sockem just had a dental. The vet said no food or water after midnight. We fed him dinner at 11 pm. He did great. Sending all good thoughts for Treasure.
  12. Welcome! Freddy is very handsome!
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