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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Consider it done. Will also mention that many of us pay for membership/access to articles, info, etc. and are happy to do so as well as donate to the vet school and the ongoing fundraising done by the gh community in support of the program.
  2. Are you sure it is your dog that is howling? Can you leave a recorder/webcam on to check? I ask because I had a neighbor make the same complaint about my first girl, and she NEVER made noise. The super even told the neighbor that he found it hard to believe because she didn't even lift her head on the couch when they came in the apartment. If it is Sweet Potato, there are a lot of good threads here on Separation Anxiety and how to work with it. I know my second girl had a terrible case but it was quiet...she just ate the plaster off the walls, the wood furniture, etc. We did a lot of alone training, class training and I found that the DAP diffuser worked wonders for her. Good luck.
  3. Sending more prayers and the very best of thoughts for Diamond.
  4. Holding Norm and his humans in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. Pudge's mouth doesn't look quite as bad as Aquitaine's. Then again, Aquitaine has far fewer teeth. She had 24 extractions 3 years ago. I actually laughed at one of the specialists texts via my vet last night because it started with mother***** and then indicated that this is a rare reaction to the Amlodipine which they will be replacing. I would think she is on the Amlodipine because it is the best drug for her kidney issues. On her top upper canine I can actually see a noticeable improvement from Sunday. On her lower tooth line, it looks puffier but there appears to be a bit more tooth showing. It had actually swollen over her teeth. In short, I am somewhat petrified but trying to breath through the fear and wait for the antibiotics to work and for the specialist and my vet to find a replacement for the Amlodipine for her. As the specialist told me "NO" in the Fall when I asked about a dental, I am concerned with the fact that she will shortly need one. Likely to remove all her remaining teeth. The dental will be done by a board certified surgeon and the anesthesiologist is from the OSU grey program. They did a great job last time. I have to keep reminding myself of that fact.
  6. I am so very sorry. Run free, Peachy.
  7. I am so sorry Gracie only got to stay with you for a short while. Long enough to steal your heart. Long enough to know she was adored. Gracie, run free and twirl madly.
  8. Did you ever get any answers about this? It looks like Aquitaine is having the same side effect. Her gums blew up last week. She is now on antibiotics and her specialist is looking for something to replace the amlodipine.
  9. I am so very sorry that you and Daisy didn't have more time together. Run free pretty Daisy.
  10. I am so very sorry for your loss. Like others, I had to make a similar decision years ago. The poor dog had been abused before he came to me and just couldn't help but bite. I am so sorry you had to make that decision and so sorry you are in pain, both physical and emotional.
  11. I agree with the monitoring. Her BP was likely a white coat reaction so the meds, while not harmful, wouldn't be needed.
  12. Big hugs. That must have been terrifying for you. Keeping Legs in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Agree with everything here. While my girl was flirting and working the room, her BP at the hospital was 280 on two different visits!!!! When they told me that I was quite clear that when my own vet took her BP at home, it ranged in the 110-140 range. Even OSU told me to go by what the BP read at home. My homecare vet uses both Doppler and a cuff that goes around her tail. While she doesn't particularly like either method, they both get the same reading.
  14. I am so happy that Lady made it through the surgery well. Please, don't let hindsight shake your faith in your choice of greyhounds. The majority of the time, they really are just happy, healthy dogs. I've gone through a rough 2-3 years myself but I wouldn't trade my girl for anything.
  15. I am so very sorry for your loss. They are never here long enough. Run fast and free, Moe-Moe and send your mom a sign.
  16. I am so very sorry. Two losses so close are heartbreaking. Run free Sebau and Sully.
  17. So happy to hear that he is home and you can see progress.
  18. Both my specialist and my vet know about all supplements. All supplements are approved by both. Azodyl, Rhemanni, Zantac, C0Q10 and Milk Thistle were started last year after the emergency splenectomy when her after care records indicated that PLN was a likely outcome of the surgery. The prescription meds were started at that time as well, the dosage has increased with the diagnosis as we slowly worked our way up to find what dosage of each best stabilized her BP. Having her BP taken at home by the vet also helps a lot. The increase when she has to go to the hopspital/office is double.
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