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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. He must be so very tired if he was afraid to lay down yesterday.
  2. Checking in to see how you are doing today.
  3. Keep breathing. It is so hard to wait and watch for improvements that come in tiny increments, but they can come.
  4. My heart hurts for you. Dylan knew you loved him. Hold fast to that. Don't second guess yourself. You acted out of love. Godspeed, Dylan.
  5. I don't at all want to add to your stress but I have to agree that your vet sounds very anti-everything but what she wants. And very pro-euthanasia. You know your dog best. You know he is not himself. We have all been there. But a great majority of the time, not being themselves is definitely fixable. I would totally believe JJNG (and I always do) when she says to give pred or methocarbomal a shot. It seems you like and trust your vet but you have to remember, she works for you. She is not the voice of God. I am also doing everything alone and sometimes it gets absolutely overwhelming. I understand. Many of us are in the same place and we understand. You need your job, you are tapped out financially, and you don't have a moment for yourself. That is when you need to remember to breather. Calm and center yourself and things will begin to look and feel a lot better. We all realize that euthanasia happens. We all believe it is better to be a bit early than late but in all honesty, nothing about Scotch sounds like you have reached that point yet. Reach out to your group by phone, you don't have to go there, just talk to them. They really may be able to help you. I support my group by donating the cost of one adoption per year, your group may well have a donor who has earmarked their donations for healthcare.
  6. Sending lots of prayers for Dylan. Please don't second guess yourself. I know that is easier said than done but it will only hurt you.
  7. If by "bent his back foot" you mean knuckling, from what I have read on here, that is not a life threatening issue. It may be something that your vet is unfamiliar with. I am sure that someone on here who has familiarity with it will weigh in with more info. I feel for you. You definitely sound like you need some relaxing "me" time, as we all do. I can't tell if your vet practice is a local one, or is a practice with a wider knowledge base. I don't know where you are in CT, is the city too far a drive? Animal Medical Center is a major teaching hospital and I can't imagine they wouldn't be able to help.
  8. I know how hard it is to stay positive. Did you adopt him locally? Have you spoken to your group? If so, is there someone who could take him into a home for a weekend so that you could get a bit of a caregiver break? It sounds like you need a few days to yourself to regroup. Our own bodies and psyches can only take so much before we break.
  9. I am so very sorry. Fly fast and free, Binx.
  10. Probably the worst thing about greyhoud ownership, barring the ACTUAL worst, at least for me, is the fact that every little thing gives me a very bad feeling. My vet has acknowledged that some visits have indeed been for me, so that I would stop worrying. That is valid. As long as the dog is checked out thoroughly, and nothing is found, the visit is well worth it. That is one of the purposes of visits, to rule things out. Try not to panic before you need to do so. Let us know what the vet says.
  11. You loved him. Your decisions were made from the most pure place possible. Nothing you did caused anything. Be kind to yourself.
  12. Definitely, in this topic it will seem as if every grey is suffering from something. That is not the case. Are there certain lines with issues, better people than I can answer that question. I am on my second dog from the Molotov line and none of her problems, or her predecessor's problems seem to have come from him. With the exception of a few nervewrenching days in the ER, she is, in truth a pretty healthy girl. While it is true that we have been dealing with chronic kidney failure for close to two years now, she doesn't actually show any outward signs of it. She is happy, bouncy, loves to play with dogs and is just a joy. It is hard to believe she will be 11 on Sunday. Her predecessor never gave me a single sick day until the day I lost her. My first girl Scarlett was never "sick" on her own. She was attacked and very nearly disembowled but that was an attack. She was ripped open by some temporary fencing but that was an accident. Her main issue was yucky old lady teeth. We dealt with that with cyclical antibiotics because she was over 15 and surgery was a non-issue. She did get osteo, which we tried desperately to treat as arthritis due to her extreme age, but we were not lucky. At 19, she was not at all a candidate for surgery so we did palliative care and let her go shortly after the diagnosis. Truly, at 19 something was going to get her. I knew in my heart that I would lose her that year, it was really just a question as to what it would be. Selfishly, I wish it hadn't been osteo. She made it so far, she made so many friends, she was so very loved, that I thought that she deserved more dignity. I do know that is human thinking. Coming from someone who is nearly bankrupt from dog care, this may sound disingenuous but I don't honestly find they have healthy issues that are insurmountable. Now, having raised show dogs, and showed dogs while growing up, I was at the vet almost every Saturday of my life for basic maintenance so I may well have a different view from other people.
  13. My heart just hurts for you. So much loss in so short a time. Godspeed, Cubby.
  14. I am so sorry that Kiki and you are going through this difficult time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  15. Was it vomit or was it the nasty yellow bile? My last girl hacked up bile every morning. It wasn't until I had lost her and found GT a few years later that I learned that the poor girl may well have been hungry.
  16. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Nadir.
  17. A small jump for joy is still a jump for joy. Fingers crossed!
  18. I just love that pretty, happy face. I am thrilled to hear that things are going so well.
  19. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Joey.
  20. Great news! I hope things are starting to calm down for you.
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