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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Yikes. Will they be able to do an IV for the first dosing of the new meds to get them going in her system a bit faster? Gentles hugs and lots of prayers for your sweet girl.
  2. As an FYI you can apply for CareCredi online and use it immediately. I know my evet keeps the apps at the desk so people can apply by phone.
  3. I am so sorry to hear this. We certainly do live in an area where evet costs are prohibitive. A fact I know only too well. It just seems so much like there is clearly something they are missing, or dismissing. Clearly your boy feels bad as do you. The last thing I would throw out here as a thought would be a consult with Dr. Couto. If nothing else, it would certainly be the LEAST expensive treatment you have had so far.
  4. I can't believe I am just seeing this. Lorinda I am so very sorry. Lazier could not have had a better, more determined mama than he had with you. Godspeed, Lazer.
  5. I have to agree with Batmom. Is your adoption group local? Will they help? Will they take him back and cover his care? My CareCredit account is maxed or I'd offer it. My first girl was on Rimadyl for a very short while and I discontinued because I didn't feel the side effects were worth the risk. I am not saying it does not work well for many dogs. A vet who won't even consider another option would be very worrying to me.
  6. None of what you are seeing indicates he should be put down. I totally understand the fear of the expense. In the past three years I have spent close to $30,000 on Aquitaine. Thankfully insurance, credit cards and a helpful parent have allowed me to do this. It will take several more years to pay it off. Is the vet completely denying that this is a Rimadyl side effect?
  7. Lorinda, I am just seeing this now. You know that I am praying as hard as I can for Lazer.
  8. Great update! As to the droplets, I learned after Aquitaine's oral hemmoraghing this summer -- those Oxy Clean commercials are not kidding! That stuff really, really works. There was blood everywhere on the rug, and then on the antique silk chair because she rubbed her face on it. That silk took a beating between the blood and the scrub brush with Oxy but you cannot tell that there was a CSI episode in my apartment. The spray bottle version could be your best friend! Gentle hugs to your babies.
  9. No worries about stepping on my toes. I only care that Scotch gets the right treatment in the right time. I have been so swamped with work this morning that I didn't get here to check this thread until now. Please keep us posted. I am holding good thoughts for Scotch.
  10. Where are you in CT? My friends in Darien are very happy with their vet. If that works for you I am happy to get a referral.
  11. So happy to hear that Houston is back to feeling like himself!
  12. Beautiful Nell, your fan club is sending lots of prayers and good wishes to you.
  13. How is your boy doing this morning? How are you doing?
  14. Holding all of you in my thoughts and prayers. It is unbelievably hard to see them going through any kind of pain. Happy almost (?) 33rd birthday.
  15. I am so very sorry. Fly fast and free, Penny.
  16. I am so very sorry. Godspeed, Walter.
  17. I just read through this whole thing. You and Aston have certainly been on a roller coaster. I hope that all the vets and tests are able to resolve this. Wags and attempted sillies are wonderful. Go, Aston!
  18. Just catching up with all of this. I am so happy that Truman appears to be getting back to himself. I hope he continues to have an uneventful healing period. We can certainly all learn from this.
  19. My CRF/PLN girl has pee'd inside three times in the past week. In fairness, with these blizzards I don't think she is completely emptying herself on her final walks. Two of the nights I have also walked her at 11pm simply because I didn't have it in me to stay up until 12-12:30 am which is the time that works best for her to make it through the night. The one other time was also my fault, I was just too asleep to realize the pacing had reached the "pee now" stage. With the storms, and the early walks, I haven't said anything to the vet since I honestly think all three of these could have been prevented with a more awake human. I do know that the time is coming when she won't be able to hold it. I am not looking forward to that time. I don't care about the cleaning, just what the peeing will portend.
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