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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. If the move home will cause her no pain, and most likely give her comfort, then bring her home and let her be in her home. With her people who love her. You both deserve a miracle.
  2. I think I'm in love with that man of yours! Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.
  3. So happy you had such a good result. Houndie homecoming! Sending lots of prayers for a speedy recovery.
  4. Sending more prayers and good thoughts.
  5. Prayers and good thoughts are coming your way.
  6. I don't know what to say. Bring your girl home and spend your time together. I am so sorry this happened.
  7. I hope Soul is continuing to improve. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
  8. Just seeing this now. Is there any news? Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for you.
  9. Peanut butter shakes for both of you? Yours with a hefty shot of something in it? Is there anything that we can do for you?
  10. I am so very sorry. Run free Mac and know that you were very well loved and will be missed.
  11. Never, never forgotten. Run free sweet girl.
  12. So happy to hear that Soul got a good rest last night. That will go a long way to putting him on the path to recovery. You will make it through this, you're strong enough. Look at what you have already gone through that is now behind you. Things will look up when the man-boob goes down and Soul is more rested. Keeping you both in my prayers.
  13. I'm happy to hear that you and Lexi are closer to a diagnoses and plan of action. Keeping you in my prayers.
  14. Sending good thoughts and prayers for your beautiful boy.
  15. You have gotten great suggestions so I have nothing else to add. I agree with everyone who says to remember to be kind to yourself. I know that when Scarlett had SubCu fluids and I saw my beautifl hound with a growth on her, it was all I could do not to scream. It will go away. If Soul has found comfort in the chair, make it his nest. You will get through this together. You are watching him for signs of pain and improvement, and he is watching you to be sure all is well. Trust each other. I love the idea of sharing a pb& j with him. Or an egg salad sandwich. Anything that is good and soothing for both of you. Even if that is ice-cream. In moderation, my doctors have always told me that ice cream has a great deal of basic nutrients. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for you both.
  16. This makes me so happy!!!! If Henry likes classical, Bach's Goldberg Variations were written to help someone sleep. I don't fall asleep but they are my absolute "go to" when I am super stressed. The Glen Gould recording is the best but I doubt that Henry really cares.
  17. That took my breath away. It is absolutely gorgeous.
  18. I am so very sorry. Run free beautiful boy.
  19. I was just thinking this. I was even going to send you the recipe for "REAL" eggnog. I don't share that recipe with anyone since it is a family one but for a grey, all rules are cast aside. Let me know if you want it. Oh, and do leave out the bourbon/brandy...except in your glass!
  20. I agree with this. I would call the vet though just to aprise them. With Scarlett there was a doberman who played far too hard and tore her open several times on her neck. I would clean the wound, put Bacitracin on it and butterfly bandage it. Since this always happened at night I would end up talking to the vet in the morning. His answer was always that I knew my girl best and to keep it clean, watch it and bring her in if I thought it warranted it. I also found that the cuts that were not stitched, didn't scar the way the stitched cuts did. When the same dog ripped an 8" opening in her side that went down several levels, then we rushed to the evet. And then I wanted to kill the human who swore her dog didn't do it. Nope, it was the Jack Russel...
  21. Such great news. Ember, I'm a vegetarian. Please eat any helpings of venison with my name on them!! Double servings.
  22. Sending lots of prayers and healing thoughts for Soul and his very scared mom.
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