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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Can I ask what might be a dumb question? Does Lexi eat much turkey? I ask because Morgaine had terrible pudding like/mucus poos for several months and I never connected it to the fact that her hot dog treats were turkey or that the turkey that my co-worker always sent home with me from her over-stuffed deli sandwiches. I was talking with a neighbor one night about it when they said that maybe her system couldn't tolerate the turkey, she knew a lot of dogs who couldnt'. I stopped the turkey and within a week, "happy poos" were had. Maybe there is something that is just not agreeing with Lexi and it is so basic that no one has even thought of it. I learned with Scarlett that rice doesn't work for all dogs. It took a few months to learn that the rice trick didn't work for her. They keep us on our toes. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for Lexi and you.
  2. I am so sorry that Bell and you are going through this. It is heartbreaking to see them not feeling well. I know that custard used to be used to get nutrients into people, do you think if you made custard and (please don't think I'm crazy here) a little whipped cream with chicken or beef broth in it, that she might eat that? Even egg salad. I know that my girls have always loved egg salad, it has been a last resort on a few occasions. Sending more prayers and good thoughts your way.
  3. SO happy to hear that Bonnie is feeling better. Definitely keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. Sending more prayers and good thoughts for Bodie.
  5. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for your girl. For you as well, it sounds like an emotionally draining week.
  6. That is one beautiful boy you have!
  7. Now that you have that diagnosis, you can put a plan into action for Bell. And you. No more stressing will be good for both of you. Bell will do well on the meds. I believe that. Sending prayers and good thoughts for both of you.
  8. Sending more prayers and good thoughts. I hope you both get some rest tonight. It is so scary when they are sick and we don't know why.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free Argos, you are healthy again.
  10. Having gone through this, I know how hard it is. How every whimper, limp, or even nail dragging on the ground tears at your heart. I'm sending lots of prayers and good thoughts your way.
  11. I had a little (chihuahua/dachsund) mix years ago who taught me what piggies dogs are when it comes to baked goods. I had just moved to NYC and my boyfriend and I were staying with a friend. I made a dozen bran muffins for us for breakfast. We each took a muffin and went to watch tv. After a few minutes we noticed that Miss Marple wasn't with us...she then walked in the room with a muffin hanging out of her mouth. The little beast had eaten 6 muffins!!!! I rushed her outside expecting an explosion. Nothing. She digested them just fine. Baked products have been kept well away from prying noses ever since!
  12. Yay for Mac!!! Keep getting better sweetie.
  13. I am just seeing this now. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Bell and hugs for you both. I wouldn't worry about the bacon. I fed Scarlett bacon for 13.5 years and she had a glorious coat and lived to 19. My vet even said since she was doing so well, to keep feeding it. She got maybe 5 pieces each weekend. Morgaine and Aquitaine too.
  14. Sending lots of prayers that this is the start of a great, healing week for Penny.
  15. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for you girl, and hugs for you both.
  16. I am so sorry that I missed this. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts from NYC to PS and to you and Misty.
  17. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for your girl.
  18. Happy to hear that Peppers is feeling better today. Hope you are doing the same.
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