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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Sendings lots of good thoughts and prayers for Cyah.
  2. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers Ember's way. Yours too.
  3. Wondering about how Stormy is doing today. Keeping you in my prayers and thoughts.
  4. Sending good thoughts and prayers for Merlin.
  5. Sending prayers and good thoughts for Sugar.
  6. Read every word here too, sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Happy.
  7. Sending good thoughts and prayers for you and Rocky.
  8. Please know that you are in no way betraying Bell. Yes, it will be one of the hardest things you will ever do but you will be doing it with love and from a place of pure love. She knows that. She loves and trusts you. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
  9. No advice here, just loves of good thoughts and prayers.
  10. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for Stormy and you both. We weren't dealing with chemo but I know after Scarlett's surgery a few years ago she would eat the following: Swanson's Chicken a la King Chunky chicken or beef soups Chicken or Beef from ordered in fajitas Turkey burger Hamburger French fries
  11. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way.
  12. It is great to hear that Zoe is home. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for all of you.
  14. Sending lots of prayers and good thoughts for lovely Gracie. Something similar happened to my rent-a-dog (pseudo-sister's) IG several years ago. Not the fall, but the injury. Vera was chased around the property by another dog (in fun) and her foot and leg went down a hole in the lawn. It was a 3 day weekend and there was no vet available where we were. I spoke to the vet and he felt it would be okay to wait until the Monday. Come Monday, the x-rays determine that she had shattered every bone in her leg and would require micro-surgery and steel posts to be implanted. The surgery went well and within 2-3 months Vera was walking just fine. She would sometimes pick up her paw an give you the "please carry me, I'm pitiful" look but if you told her to put the paw down, she would. She was a character. Vera was probably a year or two older than Gracie when this took place and she lived to be 14.
  15. Keeping Zoe in my thoughts and prayers.
  16. No advice here. Just lots of good thoughts and prayers for Stormy and for you.
  17. Taffy, feel better soon. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way!
  18. This will be emotional for both of you but I have faith that you will adapt well. Years ago my pseudo-sister (meant nicely!) had two Italian Greyhounds that she was kind enough to loan to me frequently so I could get my doggie fix. They were my starter hounds. The younger one was born deaf. Since she always followed her big sister, that was never a huge issue for her. One year we woke up on December 26 to find that she had gone blind overnight. We were worried about this "poor" girl who was now deaf and blind. What we learned was that we were the ones that worried. Vera, the older IG was always by her side, and Sharky was fine for the years after that she was with us. It is a shock, but you will likely find that it is harder on you than on her. Try to follow her lead. You've got lots of good advice above on how to arrange the house, etc. so I have nothing to add. Just trust yourself and trust Hannah.
  19. Keeping your girl in my thoughts and prayers.
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