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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Remember, Polli has been through a lot lately. Frankly, it is a nasty wet and cold here in NY so maybe it is just the weather. Take a deep breath. Call the vet and see what they say. Sending prayers and hugs.
  2. I think I have a crush on your beautiful boy. I'm so happy to hear the good news! Sending prayers and good thoughts for all of you.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free, pretty Faye.
  4. carronstar


    I am so very sorry for your loss. Godspeed Stevie.
  5. Fingers crossed that you did get your miracle.
  6. Improvement is a good thing. Keeping Mango and all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
  7. Fingers crossed for good results tomorrow. Prayers, good thoughts and hugs coming your way.
  8. I am so very sorry for your loss.
  9. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your lovely boy.
  10. Sending prayers and good thoughts for your adorable Mouse.
  11. Keeping Polli and you in my thoughts and prayers. Maybe she really doesn't want to be out in the cold snap we've been having.
  12. You and Mango are in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Abby is a beautiful girl, and clearly loves her life and her people. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
  14. I'm so sorry. Run free Griffin.
  15. Sending prayers and good thoughts for you and Monty and Sam.
  16. How does one spell "waaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee"????? yay!!!
  17. I couldn't have said it better. Aria would not want you to feel this way. She knew you loved her.
  18. So glad to hear he is doing so much better!!!
  19. I'm so sorry for your loss. Only one photo shows on my screen but that one photo is of a creature with kindness and wisdom in her eyes. I'm glad you were able to share that with her.
  20. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Stormy.
  21. Thank you for sharing such a lovely tribute to two beautiful hounds.
  22. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and Mango.
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