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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Adding prayers and good thoughts for Miss Cindy.
  2. My heart hurts for you. Run with the wind Benny.
  3. carronstar


    Godspeed, sweet Venus.
  4. carronstar


    I am so very sorry for your loss. I have always loved reading about Sobe and his exploits. Run with the wind, Sobe.
  5. The part in the first post that she was "eliminating" made me fear the worst. That is one of the things that happened with Morgaine. I am so very sorry. Hugs to all of you.
  6. My thoughts and prayers for Reddy. For Kennelmom's girl as well.
  7. Benny and you are in my thoughts and prayers. No decision that you make out of love will be the wrong one. We are all here for you.
  8. carronstar


    I am so sorry.
  9. carronstar


    I'm so very sorry.
  10. Sending prayers and good thoughts.
  11. I am so very, very sorry. This sounds so much like what happened when I lost my Morgaine 3 years ago. I was hoping that since you were able to bring her home that your Brandy was being given a miracle. You are tucked very tightly in my thoughts and prayers.
  12. I'm sorry to hear this. Keeping Demon in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Sending more prayers. Energy11 is right, a heavy blanket or a comforter folded will be strong enough for you and your husband to carry her out to the car. I wish I didn't know this first hand but it is a good thing to know. I am so sorry you are going through this. Know that you are not alone.
  14. Adding many prayers for Brandy and you and sending hugs to you both.
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