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Everything posted by carronstar

  1. Sending big hugs for you and cuddles for Wilbur. It sounds like you have done everything right.
  2. Sending more prayers and hope for your girl. Hugs for you both.
  3. Glad to hear that LuLu is doing better.
  4. No advice, just holding you and Dappy in my heart and sending prayers.
  5. Run with the wind gorgeous girl.
  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. I just saw this today. T (Shabbos Goy) has always been one of my favorites. I told so many about the lovely boy named Shabbos Goy, the nest name ever! Run with the wind gorgeous boy.
  7. I woke up this morning to find blood on Aquitaine's bed. I thought that something happened with her leg stitches but no, those are fine. Went all over her and finally found a small bit of blood under her tail. I cleaned it up. Let it dry, then checked again and there is a tiny pin-point of blood. She walked fine and pooped fine. No straining, no blood. Does anyone have any idea what this might be? ______________________________________________________________ Thank you all for your responses. My vet says that since it looks like a popped zit and the bleeding stopped, that I don't have to worry. He will look at it next week when he takes her stitches out of her leg.
  8. Last night was a 4 lap around the apartment night and this morning she actually tried to do her "downward dog" stretch. The swelling has decreased further which must be good news. She is really tired of being muzzled all the time so I am trying to keep it off when we are just sitting around the house. She has been trying to use the Christmas tree to rub the muzzle off of her nose. I was careful when putting up the ornaments to put only unbreakable ones in that spot. I appreciate the catheter information. Oddly, she has had no bruising, just the swelling. I am going to stop icing since the swelling has gone down so much. Thank you for all the good thoughts.
  9. Wagging is so great. I am thrilled for you all. Keep up the healing, Wilbur!
  10. Aquitaine seems to have made improvement on the overnight. She got up a couple of times to do laps around the apartment. I laid on the ground quelling my urge to follow her so that she could do it on her own. We did 1/2 of her normal pee-run walk this morning (1 block out/1 block back) and she got to see a couple of pups which made her happy. The swelling is still there but has gone down enough so that I can see actual toe definition. So, more icing and more bed rest for her. Thank you all for your caring and good wishes. They are definitely helping her.
  11. That is wonderful!!! I think that "Dr. Sigman feels confident that cancer is not an issue here." just beat "shoe sale" as my new favorite words!
  12. You keep going Miss Sweet T. Try some egg salad, really stinky stuff and lots of protein. Yum.
  13. I just spoke to my vet. I am monitoring the swelling for the weekend. He said as long as the catheter site itself isn't infected (and that is extremely rare) that this should resolve itself. I have watched her getting off her mattress which is now on the floor, she is using the front leg for leverage so I think that is where the problem originated. She got herself up twice during the night (3:45 and 5:30 am) to walk around a little. I gave up at 5:30 and got up myself (only to find that the upstairs neighbor's radiator was leaking through my ceiling...what next...). She has done a couple of laps around the apartment today and been fairly steady. She stood up to eat her dinner. I am icing both legs every few hours. I am going to take her out in a few minutes and then it is Tramadol and bed for her and yoga mat and the floor next to her for me. Please keep the good thoughts coming, they seem to be working for her. Thank you all.
  14. The appointment should be at some point tomorrow. Andy just answered my email right before 9 pm. He is a homecare vet with two small kids so I truly don't expect him to sit around monitoring his email waiting to hear from me. I just wish I knew WHY they said to monitor the catheter leg. I am petrified to walk her at this point. If only my good girl would pee in the house but she won't. If I get her outside on my own and she goes down I can't get her back inside. This would be a really good time to have a boyfriend. Of course, she just lapped up a bowl of yogurt and some cookies with no clue that I am hyperventilating. I am so glad my parents paid for theater school. I'm doing my very best performance as a sane, not leaping about the room with panic human being that I have ever done...
  15. carronstar

    Thank You

    Godspeed, Wahoo. Godspeed, Wahoo.
  16. Picking up the chant... *It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! It's just a bug, which will fall to the drug! Yeah! *
  17. Limpy Aquitaine sends limpy Lenny lots of good thoughts and prayers. (isn't it fun to torture the humans!!!)
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