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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Is he on Pepcid? If he's feeling that crummy, maybe one of the anti-nausea drugs might help. Other than that, when you have one that's not eating, IMHO, the sky is the limit; burgers, chicken nuggets, venison, tuna, sardines; mac & cheese, peanut butter, raw meat of any kind, well you get the idea. Let him eat whatever he will eat, a little at a time. If he's having some sort of tummy/digestion issues, he may be avoiding food to avoid the consequences. I would make sure his tummy is protected from the antibiotics.
  2. I'm at a loss, too. Frontline Plus stopped working here in FL a couple of years ago. Even our Vet agreed that there had to be something to it because there were just too many clients saying the exact same thing! Last year Advantage worked great. This year, not so much all of a sudden. Don't get it. I'm a bug magnet, so if they were in the house, I would be getting bites on my ankles, but I'm not. I'm hesitant to use any sprays because all three of mine are part feline - they are always grooming themselves - lick, lick, lick! How much of the spray stuff can they ingest before it becomes a problem? What's next: Capstar or Comfortis?
  3. "It's "my" dog and I know what I see as far as behavior and demeanor....that's just as important as a tube of serum in a lab" ...and if I may add, if I'm the one paying the bill, then please do as I ask or I will go somewhere else. The quote in bold is one of life's "truisms" and after almost losing one of mine because I caved to my "former" Vet's advice, you can bet your sweet bippy that it's my-way-or-the-highway since then. I am open to discussion and a free exchange of ideas or information, but when a Vet insists on doing something for no good reason other than their "comfort", I'm outta there! Don't mean to rant or hijack this thread because there is excellent advice being given. Unless your Vet is or has been a track Vet, worked at OSU with Dr. Couto, Jean Dodds or Dr. Suzanne Stack, I would go with what's being said by others who know way more than I will ever know! Please keep us posted about Bobber. I hope it's "nothing" or an easy-to-fix "something".
  4. Hoping for the best for Zero. Update when you can.
  5. I have been living under a rock, only coming out to catch a few items in C&F. I am so glad I braved H&M this morning! Manny, you are truly a Miracle Man and deserve to be written up in every medical journal! So happy for you and your peeps! May the healing continue uninterrupted!
  6. In case it's some sort of contact dermatitis, I would wash the area first and then apply a topical disinfectant - I like Band Aid Brand - and then give a him Benadryl. If no improvement is seen in the next 24 hrs, I would take him in for a look-see.
  7. Oh, it does a body good to read posts like this! Welcome home, Cofax! You look mahvelous!
  8. Please ask about Cerenia. It's a very common anti-nausea drug and works wonderfully! Go Cartier! Keep eating and you will be back to your old self in no time!
  9. OMGoodness! Just seeing this now. What fabulous news! Will send buckets of healing white light to Peanut for the toe, hugs of comfort for you and prayers for your Dad. Wow-o-wow. Finally some good news!
  10. When Suze went into ARF in Feb, 09, she was really close to checking out. The Vets weren't so concerned about her appetite as they were about making sure that her urine output was in proportion to her intake, the urine was concentrated and her blood chemistry - she had no platelets among many other things that were off the charts. She was given Cerenia the entire six days she was at the E-Vet because lack of appetite which is classic with ARF. She did eat some prescription ID after the first 24 hours, but wasn't too crazy about the liver diet to which she was switched shortly afterward. When the canned k/d was introduced, she was much happier and ate an acceptable amount. All in all, she ended up losing about 4 pounds through the whole ordeal, which I thought wasn't bad at all. When Nikki was at the end of her battle with lymphosarcoma, the only thing that she ate was raw, ground venison. Several people I know have had success with venison, too, both cooked and raw. I sincerely hope that Cartier gets a dx - never were able to get one for Suze. Will be sending many prayers from all of us here because we know exactly what you are going through.
  11. Can't seem to say too many prayers for Cofax and Tina. Won't stop, either. Hope all future updates will be as good, too! Sending healing white light.
  12. duncan41

    Nike Is Gone

    Just seeing this now. There are no words to adequately express how sorry I am to read about Nike. Godspeed, Nike. n
  13. Some things just aren't supposed to happen. This is one of them. I am so sorry. Sending healing white light and hugs of comfort.
  14. Do you live in Florida? If you do, I'm outta here and on my way to the store!
  15. Anna had one when she came to live with us. Had it checked out and was told it was "nothing". It eventually cleared up but reappeared within a short period. That one cleared up, too, and so far (knock wood) hasn't reappeared.
  16. Hopefully the Rabies Challenge will result in a more logical approach to vaccinations in general. FWIW: My vet uses the same serum for 1 year and 3 year shots. You have to specify the 3 year so it appears on the certificate as such. The biggest gripe Vets have with the extended vaccine timetable is that their clients will be less likely to adhere to the annual checkup recommendation.
  17. What a sweet boy! So much improvement in a short time! No matter - here's to many, many more "Sunny" days!
  18. Oh, Hero! You're gonna do just fine! Sending buckets of prayers and healing white light to Hero and huge hugs of comfort to you, Tom!
  19. He left a huge hole in your heart but more than enough memories to fill it. Godspeed, Sterling.
  20. duncan41


    I'm so sorry. Watch over your Mom, baby girl.
  21. duncan41

    My Sweet Lucy

    I am so very, very sorry. She was much too young. Run pain free, sweet Lucy!
  22. duncan41

    Mokka Doyle

    Oh, Bev. I am so sorry. Beautiful Mokka - we will miss you.
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