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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry for your losses. Sending prayers of healing and hugs of comfort.
  2. She was gorgeous inside and out. You were lucky to have found each other. I am so sorry that she left too soon.
  3. She was beautiful and special and will live on in the memories you carry. I am so sorry that she had to leave.
  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Sarah was beautiful.
  5. I don't know which is worse, the pain of losing a life companion like Austin or the pain of watching your child in agony. I am so sorry for your loss. Austin was a beautiful guy.
  6. Just seeing this.......................hoping that much healing is taking place in the mountains of GA. Hounds, people and mechanical things. Hugs to you, Dee. You're always there for everyone else, chiming in the experienced advice and warm words of encouragement. We're all praying for Curfew and hoping that this is an isolated incident.
  7. Couldn't have said it any better. Hugs to you and prayers for Wilbur.
  8. Praying and chanting and sending powerful healing light to Pearl and MP! You and she must be so relieved to be home!
  9. How heartbreaking! I am so sorry! Make lots of memories. I hope you have more time than you expect.
  10. duncan41

    My Sweet Jazz

    The love in his eyes say it all. He loved you. Run pain free Jazz - you will be missed.
  11. Sending healing prayers to Wilbur and hugs to you! Feb will be here before you know it! So glad he's doing better!
  12. OMG! Thank goodness for GT! Sending powerful prayers for Spartan! Please update when you can.
  13. Sending bountiful prayers for Smiley and his Mom and Dad. Travel safely.
  14. Can't say it any better. Me, either.
  15. She touched so many lives braving the battle and broke so many hearts when she had to leave. I can't tell you how many times I tuned in to the Ember Cam - just to get a glimpse - I was satisfied with that. I would never have thought that I would eat a cheeseburger with a special kind of reverence, but I do. And how can anyone who read her story pass a Mickey D's and not think of her? We all mourn with you today.
  16. Darbee helped you make the memories that will help heal your heart. Watch for signs. She's the type that will let know that she's around in a very big way. I am so sorry for your loss. Darbee was a very special girl.
  17. You were lucky to have found each other. Very sweet tribute to your special boy. Godspeed Rico! I am so sorry for your loss.
  18. Oh, way too young! I am so very sorry!
  19. duncan41

    Sweet Macy

    Her photos say it all! I am so sorry she had to leave so soon!
  20. If your Vet can take the lead right now to consult with Dr. Couto, and copy you on everything, I am sure that would be the most expedient way to go and Dr. Couto will get everything he needs. I am so sorry you have received this dx. I will keep you and Smiley tucked tightly in my prayers.
  21. Are you still checking for dehydration? With all his other problems, if he's still dehydrated, that's not helping anything and he will need more fluids immediately. Pepcid first thing in the AM and many small meals of anything,(and I mean ANYTHING) that you can get him to eat is better than not eating at all at this point. Sending powerful prayers for Ace. Hang in there, buddy! We're all pulling for you! Keep us posted, please!
  22. I had a dedicated poop eater many, many years ago, but she only dined on her own dessert. The Vet recommeded a product called "Forbid", easily added to the food, and she quit after a couple of weeks. I'm assuming that you would have to treat everyone in a multi-dog house. Forbid is available through one of those online catalog stores. Hope that helps.
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