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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Rebel, while you never knew the joys of a forever home, I know you were loved. Run like the wind, sweet boy!
  2. Kim, your tribute is flawless, powerful and gut wrenching. I can hardly type through the tears. Dallas was everything you wrote and more and he owed it all to you. I wish there was some simple phrase that would help to start the process of healing, but please know that Dallas would prefer that you celebrate his life, not mourn it. He was all about the "now" and you and BeBe and Lizzie. What a lucky guy to have had three special ladies in his life! I am so sorry he had to leave. I believe the rainbows were a sign and he will visit you again.
  3. Your love for him was perfect and he knew it - right from the start. I'm sorry he had to leave.
  4. Thank goodness! Hope you feel much, much better without those bad teeth!
  5. Hoping that no news is good news - no more seizures.
  6. Frontline seems to have quit working on Central Florida fleas. Even my Vet reported last year, there were just too many of her clients reporting problems to ignore or chalk up to forgetful/neglectful owners, as the manufacturer sales rep intimated. We use Advantage and Homs Bite Blocker For Pets to ward off any ticks that may be in the area. Haven't seen any ticks this year and the Advantage is working very well, even on my "bug magnet".
  7. At Sandy Paws in 2008, I believe that Dr. Couto said that he "treats dogs not blood test results" when it comes to thyroid. Makes sense to me.
  8. I am so sorry! The best ones always teach us the most.
  9. No experience but will be praying for uneventful surgery and recovery.
  10. Rocky Hope you feel better soon!
  11. Bumping for an update. I sure hope everything is ok.
  12. She's eating! Hooray! Life as we know it can now resume - Ekko is back! Love that girl!
  13. I will try not to get emotional, but come on! Ok, that's enough of that. Time to concentrate on Miss Ekko. Sure hope the fluids do their magic and tomorrow will be a day much closer to normal - whatever that is! Love that fuzzy girl! Hugs for everyone. Oh, and don't forget Wayne and Lenny, too!
  14. Sending prayers for Jake. Hope he's feeling better real soon!
  15. Ouch! Hope you feel better real soon, beautiful Allie
  16. I am so sorry. Others who know much more than I have posted here in other threads to say that staying ahead of the pain in paramount. Make sure to talk to your vet about escalating pain meds and pain med combos. As far as the rest, please feel free to post here as often as your need to. So many have been down this road and will help you as best they can. Just spoil him rotten and be present in every moment to make each of Sherman's remaining moments better than the last.
  17. Aww! Poor Ekko! Like it's not enough to have to go to the Vet all alone, have your first dental as a senior citizen, then wake up hurting AND sick to your stomach? Yuck! I'd get her the shot, too, and maybe some fluids. She must be miserable, poor thing. Sending tons of prayers and hugs of comfort all around.
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, handsome.
  19. duncan41


    We should all be so fortunate to have a perfect dog like Hardday in our lives. You two were meant for each other. I hope that your fond memories of him will help to speed the healing of your heart.
  20. Rest well, Palu. You were obviously one of a kind. I am so very sorry for yet another loss in your family. Godspeed.
  21. Gorgeous girl. The look on her face in the unbrella picture is priceless!
  22. She lived the life for which she was destined; with you and DH. Beautiful tribute! Godspeed Xena! CPR will never be the same. Adorable!
  23. I know the second part was unexpected, but the surgeons sounded confident that it can be fixed. That's worth a lot! It's not what you wanted to hear, but not as bad as it could have been. Will be sending prayers for a smooth surgery and an uneventful recover. Please keep us posted!
  24. Oh my gosh! That is so true! Sending buckets of protective armor prayers for Ekko and soothing hugs of comfort to Lenny. You know that special angel is watching over all of you.
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