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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Sending prayers for you and Bruiser. What a sweetie pie!
  2. Beautiiful boy immortalized in photos that mean so much to so many people! I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, handsome Eric.
  3. He will live on in the cherished memories you have of him. How lucky he was to have found you who came to appreciate his steadfast personality! Run healthy, happy and full out at The Bridged, Faster! I am so sorry he had to leave. :grouphug
  4. Happy Gotcha Day, Saint. You know your Momma still misses you like crazy.
  5. What a special little man with a huge presence! Run with the angels, Rocky. I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. There will never be another. Thank you for sharing her so generously with us both during her life and now with that moving tribute. I can't imagine how difficult that video was for you to do; truly a labor of love. She will be missed but never forgotten. :grouphug
  7. TheraPaw.com and the GEM Greyhounds Store.
  8. What a coincidence! I was going to ask about possible tests to run besides for vonWillebrand's. Suze has a bundle of problems, but her clotting/bruising issue is perplexing. She has been tested 3 times for vW with results of 62%, 58% and now 20%. We don't believe the 20% is true, but need input regarding other clotting tests to run. My Vet has an appt for a consultation with OSU, but i haven't been very pleased with the bare bones answers to specific questions after submitting very detailed information backed up with test results. I hope that the Dr to Dr information exchange yields more direction and information. Here's a photo of what started it all. This was taken less than 24 hrs after an x-ray in October of last year. My Vet assured me that Suze was very cooperative during the x-ray and nothing unusual happened. She referred us to a board certified internist who dx'd her as "borderline" von Willebrand's. The latest test was done as a check up - not because of any bruising.
  9. There will never be another. Marc, I am so very sorry for your loss.
  10. He was an original and will always have a special place in so many hearts. The portraits are very powerful. Beautifully done!
  11. Lucy, godspeed sweetheart. I am so sorry for your loss.
  12. I am very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, Blaze.
  13. Three years already? I'll bet she's keeping everything and everyone at The Bridge in an uproar! She was most definitely one of a kind. :grouphug to you, Robin.
  14. I am so sorry Dreamer is gone! Your words are proof of how much you loved her and how much she loved you and DH. I hope your memories help heal the jagged edges of your hearts. She would want you to remember with a smile on your face. :grouphug
  15. I am so sorry! He was beautiful! He may have had his issues, but you know he's free of all pain now and running carefree.
  16. Oh, thank doG! Beau is doing better! :yay
  17. Praying for a peaceful night. He's going to have a big day tomorrow, so he needs his rest - and so do you!
  18. Oh, no. This cannot be a repeat of 2009! No way. Uh-uh. I cannot see the word tilapia without thinking about that horrible episode! Sending the absolute most powerful anti-flare prayers for precious Beau! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
  19. I heard a very wise man say, "I treat symptoms, not blood tests." Greyhounds fall into that grey area - pun intended - a breed that can have almost nonexistent T4 and Free T4 and have no symptoms, and dogs with low/normal thyroid and be very sick. I have one that falls into the latter category. Her T4 was .7 but her TSH was .68. With minimal dosing (.3mg in the am and .4mg in the pm) her T4 is still .7, but the TSH is .12 the last time it was checked. Oh, and she is back to 90% of her former self! Hooray! The best choice is a complete panel run by Michigan State University, including T4, Free T4 by equilibrium dialysis, T3, Free T3 and TSH. Of course, since you have thyroid issues, you already knew the necessary tests. And just to blow off a little steam here, I fail to understand why Vets don't even offer the option of a complete panel if a thyroid issue is suspected. I caught my own (new) Vet about to do that very thing; order just T4 for a dog that has been on thyroid meds for 7 months! Why pay for tests twice? If the T4 comes back questionable, a full panel will be done anyway, so why not do it from the "get-go"??? Especially when the dog is obviously ill???? Then there is the possibility of the dog being sick euthryoid. But it sounds like there's a lot going on. Have blood pressure readings been done? So many questions with no answers right now. Once you have all the test results, and if there are still questions, a consultation with OSU would definitely be in order. In the meantime, we're all here pulling for you and Vinnie. Sending our best wishes, hugs and prayers.
  20. He will be missed. My sincere condolences to all who loved him.
  21. The house has been ssooo quiet since January 2nd. I hope you were waiting for kitty cat Frank when he crossed The Bridge last month. You and he brought sssooo much life, noise, joy and your own brand of love and enthusiasm to this house and everything you did. Today we would have been celebrating your big #12, Anna! I was sure you were the one who would make it, but the evil C had other plans. I saw the can of whippie cream on the door of the refrigerator this morning. Darned allergies! How could a can of whippie cream make me cry??? You kept us on our toes for 3-1/2 years; made us re-think everything we did, every move we made. We had to lock the door going out to the garage every time we left the house because one slap of your paw on the door handle and it would be a jail break! No matter if we just walked next door or drove away; that door had better be locked! I don't know how many times I didn't think I would make it across the kitchen with your food bowl - I just wasn't a talented waitress! I could only carry two bowls at a time. I served two and then "ran" back into the kitchen to grab your bowl to make a mad dash into the dining room to your feeding stand while trying not be knocked over by your leaping and prancing trying to get there first! FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! I'M GOING TO HAVE SOME FOOD! "They're HOME! THEY'RE home! THEY'RE HOME!" at the top of your lungs greeted us each time we drove up to the house! Daddy's favorite saying when we turned the corner of our street was, "Do you think we can sneak up on Anna?" We laughed every time, knowing full well that we never would! The sound of metal-on-metal leashes and collars was met with a mad dash toward the sound - 72 pounds leaping, whimpering, jumping, chattering as if you were saying, "WALK! WE'RE GOING FOR A WALK? REALLY?? HOORAY! HOORAY! WE'RE GOING FOR A WALK!" even if it was the tenth time that day! Our only defense was to put your collar and leash on FIRST, so that you would settle down before you knocked one of us down. You always led the parade down the street; head held high, eyes bright, head turning from side to side, taking in everything, ears standing on end, except for the very tip-tops that bobbed with every step. That cute little scoot 'n shuffle you did with your back feet not only gave your butt the cutest little wiggle, but ground down your nails so that I never had to trim them! You were a champion chatterer - loud and fast - there was never mistaking that message! Do you want to go out? Do you want to eat? Do you want a cookie? Do you want a piece of orange? Do you want to go for a walk? Do you want to go for a ride? Chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter! Happy, happy, happy! Yes, yes, YES! Last year you started "talking" to us - out of the blue you would stand up and look us in the eye and have at it. At first it was just a couple of roos, but as time passed, it became measured and deliberate as if you wanted to be sure that you had your say. We would encourage you which led to some very interesting "conversations" - you would roo and we would speak and you would respond, making each exchange a little longer. While we didn't understand your words, we certainly will never forget the message. You were the one who created the "sand pits" at both sides of the yard - run around the pool, do a little leap and stop on a dime! Flip around, run around the pool, leap into the pit and stop on a dime. Run, run, leap, flip, run, run, leap, flip! I don't know how many loads of sand Daddy had to bring in his pick up, shovel by hand into a wheelbarrow to fill the craters you created! Last fall, I remember watching you run and thinking "When your time on this earth comes to an end, I hope it's in mid-stride." Everyone should experience that kind of unbridled joy you exuded by the simple act of running back and forth in our yard. Your head shake was the most endearing thing I have ever seen. Every evening, as the last dog came in from their after dinner yard patrol, you would be waiting for me, a big smile on your face and then it would start - the three-in-a-row "no-no-no" head shake over and over that meant, "YES! YES! YES! COOKIE TIME!!" I will always love you and miss you, my big, goofy girl. I hope you celebrated today with cookies, oranges and whippie cream!
  22. duncan41

    Rip Jim

    I am so sorry Jim left so suddenly! I hope your happy memories ease the shock and pain of his absence.
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