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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. Awwww.....ice cream always makes toof aches feel much more betta
  2. OUCHIE!!! Poor Maj. Good thing your mommy stayed home with you today. I think you all should just hang out on the couch and eat some ice cream.
  3. I was just about to ask if Nancy had been over to visit Maj. Maj will always be handsome...with or without toofer.
  4. Awww....I have tears....he is doing so well
  5. Just talked to BJ. She is still at the vet. They pulled the fang tooth that was broken. Still not to sure what and or how it happened. BJ said when she got home she saw blood everywhere and Maj's face bloodied and swollen. She checked Black Jack over and determined he was fine then dashed to the vet. She said they gave him a local and extracted the tooth. Hopefully they should be home in the next couple of hours. Then she can look around and try to figure out what happened. Poor Maj. Thanks for posting of her Mel. GT is such a great network of friends. Sending out healing thoughts for Maj. BJ, there's a bit of good news in your PM box too.
  6. I've been out of town and am just reading this. I am so so sorry. I can't believe this.
  7. Oh Wendy......I'm so so sorry. My heart is breaking for you. I'm so very sorry.
  8. drive by stalking.....

  9. Start me up......

  10. *drive by stalking*

  11. *sigh* Still no Johnny box. And I was hoping for it on Hump Day.

    tee hee

  12. No Johnny in a box yet, but I am eagerly awaiting to unwrap him when he gets here. *evil grin*

  13. .....keep on rollin....keep on rollin....la la la la la la......

  14. Still working on that Spring Fling idea.......thinking.....thinking.....

    Can rum be in the name too? hee hee

  15. Don't call BJ a Queen. You KNOW what that is going to do to her ego. Good grief....they'll be no living with her now.....*rollseyes*

  16. So 1,2,3, take my hand and come with me

    because you look so fine

    and i really wanna make you mine.

    I say you look so fine

    that I really wanna make you mine.

    Oh, 4,5,6 c'mon and get your kicks

    now you dont need that money

    when you look like that, do ya honey.

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