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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. An encapsulated lipoma is basically a benign fatty tumor within a capsule. You can move it around somewhat, and can tell that it's not "attached". I don't know if they are age-related or not. Buddy, who is 11, certainly has several of them, and Rascal has a teeny tiny one, as well. This one just seemed to pop up suddenly, and it's rather large. You can bet I will be keeping an eye on it. Interestingly enough, I had a lipoma removed from my shoulder back in November. Mine was UNencapsulated, which meant that they had to remove some of the underlying tissue as well. The plastic surgeon told me that the encapsulated ones are easier to remove, since they just sort of pop out. Mine was about the size of an egg.
  2. Today I found a lump on my dear princess, Rascal. It feels to me like an encapsulated lipoma, so I am not about to panic. It is on the outer portion of her armpit area. Buddy's got a bunch of lipomas, but this one on Rascal seems a lot larger, about the size of a "bouncy ball" that my kids used to play with. It is easily moved around, doesn't seem to be attached to anything. I guess the size of it is what got me....I could visually *see* it, and that is how I actually found it, by seeing it. I think the plan will be to keep a close eye on it and hope nothing else develops....
  3. Just kidding here of course, but maybe your vet would sell you a can of Purina NF Feline cat food. My guys adore that stuff!
  4. Canned cat food. Form it into a little meatball, with the pill in the middle. My three LOVE cat food, even the prescription stuff my cat is on, and I recently found that this worked beautifully to get a pill into Buddy.
  5. Yes, Robin, how the heck did you break your arm?? Anxious to hear about Loca's latest x-rays.....
  6. Wow, what wonderful news!! Tendons, yes, those can be worked on!! I had a cat with a nearly-severed Achilles, he had orthopedic surgery and was good as new! However, they did tell me that cats will NOT try and use it, unlike a dog. So keep Miss Dee quiet!! If you can.
  7. I'm sorry to hear this, Robin. I can't imagine anything like that will slow the famous Loca down too much, though. At least that is what I am hoping.... You and Loca will be in my prayers...
  8. I am truly sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing that wonderful tribute. She was a very well-loved girl.
  9. Hello from just north of the 'burgh! Our pups came from GHG, too.... Your girl is lovely!
  10. They told me the clavamox was for the extraction and metronidazole was for gingivitis....I have not heard of anyone getting metronidazole after a dental. she does not have colitis or diarrhea. Ruby was on Tramadol for five days (for pain), and she was also on metronidazole....they told me it worked as an antibiotic. She also has gingivitis, and had two extractions. Absolutely no colitis, either.
  11. Oh, Echo, please slow down! You've gotta give yourself time to heal! Take it from another "more mature" woman!!
  12. Ruby recently had a dental and two extractions. I waited a few days before resuming brushing. Just be careful around the extraction site; Ruby's seemed to be very tender.
  13. Buddy's poo is OK....except for the fact that he is also drying them up and blowing them out! It's like a toxic cloud....
  14. Buddy was given Simplicef for his injury on his backside....I begged the vet NOT to give keflex, as it is so stinky and nearly impossible to get into him because of that. Simplicef is only once a day, not stinky, so that part is great. However, it seems to have the side effect of wallpaper-peeling GAS. If your dog has been on this, have you experienced the same thing? WOW.
  15. Buddy started limping awhile back, not wanting to bear weight on one of his front legs. Turned out it was a problem with the discs in his neck. He was on anti-inflammatories, switched him from a collar to a harness, and he's been fine.
  16. I'm so sorry. Please know we are all here for you, and we don't mind tears in the least.
  17. Update: Well, we didn't have any boxer shorts around, and a call to my 23 yo son didn't turn any up either, but my son did get a good laugh out of it. So, (and I am ashamed to admit this) we used a pair of my 11 yo dd's undies. I can say that Buddy's humiliation was now complete, poor guy. However, when I got up this morning, the undies were lying on the floor beside his bed. I guess we know what he thought of the girl's undies. So now it's off to Walmart to find some boxers. Does anyone know what size I should buy?? Buddy tolerated the warm compresses well last night--he was utterly exhausted by the vet visit, there was a beagle there, then a rottweiler, then the dreaded black lab as we were leaving--almost more than my greyhound-loving boy could handle. And I asked the vet to PLEASE not give us keflex, as it is SOOOO hard to get into him due to the stinkiness of that pill....so he is on Simplicef. A lot more expensive (almost as much as the visit cost!) but it will make my life and his easier. Nancy, maybe send Doug on up here to give Rascal that talking-to....but like you say, she would be nothing but THRILLED to see him!
  18. We are back. The vet did not think it was in any way related to his anal glands. She shaved the area and took a close look and said she thought it was caused by....get this....a tooth. The prime suspect: Rascal. She tends to be a nipper, and Ruby pretty much couldn't be bothered....so I say it was Rascal. I told my DH that we REALLY need to watch them when we put them outside...he tends not to. Either that or Miss Nippy can go out alone--or muzzled. Buddy will be on antibiotics for two weeks, then go for a recheck to make sure it's healing nicely. Warm compresses a couple times a day, antibiotic ointment, and the vet also asked if I wanted an e-collar. I declined, as I already have one. Not that I will use it. Anyone have any "panty" ideas?? I will have to come up with something to keep him from licking it. I am thankful it wasn't anything worse, and that my checking account is only $64 lighter.
  19. Way to go, Bill!! WONDERFUL news!!
  20. OK, I am going to continue to put water on her food until all her antibiotics are gone. I actually think she likes it moistened....maybe I will just continue. She's been finishing every bite, even at breakfast when at least one of them leaves some....
  21. I called the vet and am taking Buddy in this afternoon, to get his hiney looked at. Buddy's mystery "injury" I was looking at it again this morning, and felt the area around it....like macoduck suggested, it seems to be in the area of an anal gland. At least, there are two "lumps" on either side of his anus, and the "injury" is right in the area of one of these lumps. And given that the area looks very "clean", I am not sure it was the result of a puncture....definitely a hole there, though. If it is an anal gland issue, he will need some antibiotics...and they said that untreated it would lead to larger problems... I called the vet, they said it could indeed be a ruptured anal gland, and they are working him into the already-double-booked schedule. 3:40....I will just feel better to get him looked at.
  22. Great news! Glad to hear he's starting to feel better!
  23. Thanks for the info. Buddy's "hole" is at around 3:30...and it is about an inch and a half away from his *other* hole. Could it be an anal gland?? He has done no licking prior to this, or scooting, or anything. We did the "water therapy" last night, just put his hind end in the tub. It doesn't look any worse today....it's one of those things where I just can't decide if the vet should look at him or not....I hate to put him through a vet visit if she's just going to say I am doing what I should. But maybe he needs some antibiotics....I just don't know.
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