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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. Well it certainly sounds like she's feeling better! Good for Asia, not so good for you and the logistics of it!
  2. My cat had an Achilles' tendon repair at the same clinic (when they were in Shaler). He did great. It's a great place. Buddy's scratched cornea was also treated there.
  3. Audrey, she looks just fabulous! Not to mention, she looks SO MUCH like my girl Rascal! Even has the darker area on the nose, amidst the grey. Looks like Cosmo is happy to have her home, too!
  4. Audrey, Asia and you will both be in my prayers today. This had to be incredibly difficult.
  5. So when are you applying? Trudy could use some GH-friendly company up there, I'm sure! It could be "Greytalk Northwest" or something like that.... You've already got the "Communications" part down: "This is Kodiak".
  6. Thanks for the link, Batmom. I was thinking about LS, actually. I knew there was something they get involving hind-end weakness, but couldn't remember what it was called. Wouldn't you know, I just had Buddy at the vet a few weeks ago for his annual checkup. Other than the gradual slowing down, and reluctance to come UP steps, he was OK at that point. Naturally. I am pretty sure his semi-tumble down the stairs is what's really spooked him about coming down them now. Thank heavens the steps are carpeted, at least he didn't get hurt. He seems just fine when you get the leash out. Of course. But by about halfway through the walk he really slows down, and the walks have become much shorter in the past six months or so. I do notice a little toenail scraping, maybe a bit more than usual. He doesn't seem to have a limp or anything. He did cry when he got up off the floor to go to bed last night, too.
  7. Buddy was 11 in January. He's been steadily slowing down over the past six months to a year. I expect that. However, he recently seems very reluctant to do stairs. Not a real big issue in our house, since it's mainly one floor. We do go to the family room in the basement each evening, though, and this is how I know of his reluctance. Even a few weeks ago, he'd come downstairs readily. Going up was a different matter...he would make a few "runs" at it (although he wasn't really running) before he actually got going. Now, he won't even come down. He stands at the top of the steps and cries. Last night I tried putting his harness on and helping him but he wanted no part of that. So we gave up and came upstairs to be with him. A few nights ago he DID come down and thank God DH was standing at the bottom of the stairs because Buddy did start to tumble. Since then Buddy won't even attempt it. I ordered, and have been giving him, some of that "Dog Gone Pain" stuff, it was recommended to me. He's been taking it for 2 1/2 weeks and it doesn't seem to be making any difference. Even the two steps from our kitchen into the upstairs family room seem to give him a bit of trouble.... I might also mention that last week one day he was waiting to go outside; I went up behind him and sort of patted his back end/hip area (not at all roughly, and nothing I haven't done a thousand times before) and he cried out. So my question is, is this simply old age, arthritis or whatever, and to be expected? Should I give him maybe a buffered aspirin or something?
  8. Pretty nice garage. Hardwood floors and all....
  9. Oh, Audrey, I am so sorry. This is so NOT RIGHT, so soon after you losing Darius. My heart breaks for you. My best friend lost both of her greyhounds within one month...her boy died very suddenly (hours, really), they found out he'd had an enlarged heart. Then her girl, who was battling a TBD and seemingly doing well, died 28 days later, also suddenly and violently. Both deaths being unexpected and SUDDEN took a huge toll on my friend, so I can understand how you are feeling. I will keep you and Bob in my prayers. You will do what is right for Asia, I know that. And we'll all be here for you.
  10. I had Buddy and Rascal in for their annual checkups yesterday, and the vet drew blood for a recheck of BUddy's kidney values [they were on the high side when he recently had his dental]. She also had me get a urine sample to check the protein in his urine. They just called, he's got less protein in his urine (it WAS ++++), and his creatinine is 2.1 (was 2.6)! I was instructed to keep brushing his teeth (every day), and to get the renal panel done again in November. The vet never asked if I still had him on k/d, and I didn't offer--I've had him on a senior food. I am so happy that I didn't stick with the rx food, he obviously does NOT have kidney disease! It's great to get GOOD news!
  11. Oh my, what an incredible disappointment. They probably see the military as "at their mercy", knowing they HAVE to be there, so nobody takes pains to see that things are right. What a shame. We'll all be thinking of you, and hoping these two years fly by.
  12. Wow, that looks EXACTLY like something Buddy had on his lip awhile back! We had it removed, it turned out to be nothing (benign).
  13. Wow, you guys are having an AWESOME trip! I know you must be getting quite weary by now, but this has got to be the trip of a lifetime! I would LOVE to do something like that. Love the pictures, especially the ones of the pups.....
  14. I'm happy to hear that she's a candidate for surgery. She'll be back to normal in no time!!
  15. My brother's lab just had that surgery done a couple of months ago. It was done by a veterinary orthopedist. She (the dog ) had to be crated for weeks afterward, and nothing but short leash walks, but she's done really well with it. His dog is almost nine years old.
  16. rascalsmom


    Sheila, I'm so sorry. Please accept my sympathies, and know you will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days to come.
  17. I have two littermates, sisters. Yes, they did seem to remember one another, and yes, they get along famously. I found out later on that they had been inseparable as pups. This doesn't mean that ALL sibs will get along. It depends on the particular dogs. There are a lot of people here who have siblings, so I'm sure you'll get lots of responses.
  18. Personally, I don't know what I would do. My dogs are 9, 9 and 11, so I probably would NOT opt for amputation. There are the rare exceptions to the short survival time, even post-amputation. Winnie, who was queenwinniesmom's girl, survived an amazing 3.5 YEARS after her amputation! You could pm Nancy to get details of what all treatment Winnie had. I might add, she did NOT die from cancer, either...it was something else. She was a truly inspirational hound.
  19. I guess we were posting at the same time. I'm happy to hear you're going to go ahead with it. She's so young, and I agree she deserves every chance. We had a similar situation with our then-almost-two year old cat. The other cat (who hated him) slashed his Achilles' tendon....three options were do nothing, amputate the leg, or do the surgery to fix it. We fixed it. You do what you've got to do.
  20. I, too, remember Iberia. Your love for Frank is a testament of forgiveness for ALL of us.
  21. Buddy had a 4+ protein on the dipstick recently, and creatinine levels of 2.6. I had them send out for the UPCR, it came back at .99. I was in touch with OSU, and with their input, I decided to try Buddy on a lower-phosphorus diet. He'll have his values rechecked after a month or two to see if things are in "normal" range as far as the creatinine. Right now we're using Eagle Pack Holistic Select (senior version). He was on the k/d for a short while, and ate it willingly, but I wanted to try a different route FIRST before committing to RX food....partially due to the expense. He also acted really hungry while on k/d.
  22. Oh Audrey, I am so sorry to hear this. Please know you will remain in my thoughts and prayers as you adjust to life without your dear boy.
  23. What pretty dogs!! I hope she feels better SOON.
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