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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. OK. Buddy has been getting the tacrolimus drops....he has had maybe three doses. He seems to be rubbing at his eye A LOT MORE!! This is so frustrating..... They told me to let them know if it bothered him; how long do you give it? I worry that he will cause damage to the healing ulcer, or to yet another area....
  2. I took Buddy in for his second recheck. You may recall that during his first recheck (for corneal ulcer) the vet told me it was healing well, but she noticed another area that was taking up the dye, and she didn't know what that was all about. Well, that area is STILL there, and now she sees vascularization. She thinks he may be developing pannus. Now he is on the antibiotic drops (ciloxin) as well as drops for the pannus (tacrolimus). She did say that this would be a very atypical presentation of pannus....where it started with an ulcer in the lower part of the eye, but the pannus seems to be developing in the UPPER part of the eye. I'd appreciate any opinions, experiences, etc....I was so hoping that today would be his final visit to see the specialist.
  3. I do withhold their water after brushing, and I can tell you, after that 1/2 hour is up, they are ready for a drink! It must make them thirsty.
  4. I'm really interested in this new stuff too. Anubis's teeth look like the dog's in the link. If his teeth could whiten up like that in 2 months, that would be amazing. But I'm scared - what is in it? Is it some bleaching agent, that might not be good for them or what? From the label: distilled water, grain alcohol, grapefruit seed extract, proprietary blend of herbs and natural oils. It says no food or water 1/2 before or after application.
  5. How does this stuff work? I have been thinking of trying it, especially for my cats Thanks! They told me at the pet store that they have customers who swear by the stuff. I've been using it exclusively for several months, but haven't really had the dogs' teeth looked at by the vet since....their teeth still look pretty good to me (all three had dentals this year)...I do brush their teeth EVERY SINGLE DAY.
  6. I've been using this: http://www.petzlife.com/ but it is expensive, especially for three dogs!
  7. Thanks, Heather, for the reassurance. Buddy does go back on Monday to get it checked. It is just healing a lot differently than it did when he had the same thing five years ago....and I am a worried mom.
  8. Buddy's corneal ulcer is apparently getting better, according to the ophthamologist. To me it still looks really strange. I took a picture of it yesterday and hopefully you can see the detail. It looks like a reflection, but it isn't. The ulcer was in the lower part of his eye, and this shows (hopefully) a large white area, with a red area in the center. Please tell me this is normal.
  9. Ringworm is more of a circle with little bumps around the edge...that doesn't look like ringworm to me.
  10. CVS is a drug store, like Walgreens, or Rite Aid.
  11. Just got back from the ophthamologist. She stained his eye, and looked very closely at it. She said the ulcer looks like it is healed and that the redness I see is blood vessels which were laid down in the healing process.... However, she noticed another area which had taken up some of the dye. Picture a clock; the ulcer was at the 7-8:00 area; this new area is in the 10-12:00 area. She said it isn't BRIGHT green, and she doesn't know if he was rubbing his eye, or what. So I am to continue with the antibiotic drops, discontinue the adequan drops and the atropine ointment, and come back in 10 days. Hopefully for the LAST time. Thank heavens the redness wasn't anything to be concerned about!!
  12. I guess I will find out in a few hours. The initial "ulcer" was caused by him scratching his eye, I am almost 100% positive that's what happened. I was walking them, and he stuck his head into a bush, and immediately started trying to rub his eye with his leg....
  13. Aimee, Buddy has had the keratotomy already...this is a new development, this bump. Did Sissy need anything further, after the keratotomy? Or did the medication help her condition? I can deal with medicating him, for the rest of his life if necessary. What really worries me is surgery....he gets so stressed at the vet, and the e collar makes him go into a panic, to the point where I am afraid he will hurt himself.
  14. yes, please contact OSU. I think you should contact OSU as well. You can do it yourself, through email. You obviously have a lot of information as to what the course of this has been...they will get back to you promptly, and tell you anything else that might be helpful for them, such as other tests to ask for. I contacted them myself after Buddy had elevated creatinine levels, and with their help we determined that his levels were not unusual. No need for rx food....my vet was ready to switch him to rx food. I asked for more specific tests, at OSU's recommendation, and that's how we determined his levels were pretty darn close to normal---for a greyhound.
  15. Thanks, Lori. Our appointment is for 3:15. I just have a bad feeling about it, for some reason....I noticed this morning there seems to be a "bump" on the eye now.... Thanks for the prayers, too....let's hope we get the answer we are praying for!
  16. To keep socks on, I usually get some plain old white tape, the kind you use to hold something like a gauze pad on (on people). I make sure the sock is pulled up over the joint (wrist or whatever) then tape around the sock. Then I fold the "cuff" of the sock down over the tape. You have to put it on tight enough to hold--and be sure to overlap the ends of the tape--but not tight enough to cut off circulation. Usually works like a charm.
  17. If you are applying eye drops, does it matter if the third eyelid is covering the eye? Does that prevent the drop from getting into where it needs to go? Buddy is getting wise to all the drops, and often will close (or partially close) that nictitating membrane when I go to apply the drops.
  18. That' great news! So good to hear of GOOD news in this subforum, isn't it??
  19. Oh, this doesn't sound like anything good... Buddy had this same problem five years ago, and it healed a lot more quickly, and he didn't have this large red area back then, either. I'm so worried about him...he gets so incredibly stressed out at the vet, I can barely get him to go through the door!
  20. Thanks for the info. Buddy was on the flurbiprofen for awhile, but not anymore; not sure why. He is on atropine which is for pain, I think, and ciloxin. Also adequan drops. I am taking him to get rechecked on Thursday so I sure hope that it's healing. I have a bad feeling about it, but hopefully I will be wrong.
  21. Ruby dislocated her toe awhile back. My DH popped it back into place (under threat of vet bills! ) and it hasn't cause her a bit of trouble since. Hopefully Kitty will have the same experience.
  22. Just bumping up for the evening folks...in case someone can help....
  23. First of all, my prayers are with you and your dear dog. Second, THANK YOU, Suzy, for sharing this video. I admit it really choked me up. Such a beautiful boy Zinger was, and obviously loved so very much.
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