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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. After reading this thread, it makes me wonder if Rascal had a seed wart. Check it out...this was a while back, the vet and I both thought there was some foreign object in there which eventually "bealed out"....could this have been a seed wart??
  2. My dear Buddy boy has been limping. I tried getting him in to our vet, but she was double booked and then out of town Friday through Sunday ; then I called the vet who does all the work for our adoption group, and they couldn't see him. Finally I called my dear friend, she called her vet, and they got him in the next morning (yesterday). He had a very thorough exam by a young vet, and she quickly narrowed the problem down to his neck. She did some x-rays and found that he has a narrowing between two of his cervical vertebrae, which is causing him to limp on his right front leg. She likened it to a sort of "sciatic" type pain. Buddy is now on 75 mg. of Rimadyl twice daily, rest (which he is very good at!), and using a harness ONLY for walking; no collar. The vet thinks that this might manage it OK, if he's not better in a couple of weeks our next step will be an MRI to get a better look. He has an appointment for his annual check up on June 20, and the other vet will fax the info to our vet before then; they gave me the x rays on a disc. This got me to thinking, how common is it for greys to have disc issues? A couple of years ago, another friend's greyhound went down with a ruptured disc in his neck! He is OK now, still gimpy but gets around pretty well...but I had my doubts about him at first; he literally could NOT move. It was very scary, and I worry that this could happen to Buddy. On the other hand, you can only imagine my relief when the "big O" was never even mentioned....
  3. $98 for a dental. More, of course, if you opt for the bloodwork.
  4. rascalsmom


    Deepest sympathies to you. Something quite similar happened to dear friends of ours. They came home from a movie to find their beloved fawn girl, Ginger, dead. It was devastating for them as I am sure it is for you. It seems trite, but at least he did not suffer long.
  5. So sorry to hear of your loss, Heather and Ken. She was a lucky girl to have had such a loving home.
  6. Join the club. I think GT needs to add a disclaimer to their home page: "May be seriously addicting"..... It's hopeless to resist.... By the way, WELCOME!! My pups are from GHG too.
  7. Tory, so glad you are back! Believe it or not, I have oftened wondered how you and your beautiful black doggies have been! Congratulations on Megan, she is ADORABLE!!
  8. Welcome! My mom's parents came to the US from Hungary!
  9. rascalsmom


    I'm so sorry, Jenn.
  10. rascalsmom


    Sometimes helping them to go is the kindest thing you can do for them. I'm sorry for your loss.
  11. Nancy, I cannot believe that your special "Horse Whisperer" is gone...my deepest condolences go out to you and Doug. You have been through too much these past couple of years....
  12. The idea of a garden in Shazam's honor is wonderful. I did something similar after my Persian kitty, Lily, went to the bridge. The next spring I planted a small Asian Lily garden in her honor. It was several months after she passed, and in a way the wait made it easier. I was able to do it in a more joyful spirit, without so much sadness. So don't despair over the icky weather we've been having lately! By the time it's warm enough, you will be a few steps further from your grief, and able to choose flowers in a better state of mind. Now, several years later, I always eagerly await my "Lily Garden" poking through the soil....they have started already. When Daisy goes, I will have to add some daisies....
  13. rascalsmom


    You would've loved her. I went over to Angie's once, to let Shazam out, and she was absolutely the sweetest girl. I will always remember going into their house, and Shazam looking at me from the top of the steps, tail wagging, and just looking so doggone CUTE. I am proud to say I knew her, and she was amazing.
  14. Yes, this is what I thought, too. It saved them from making that terrible decision we all dread. How terrible, though, to come home and find your beloved girl cold....
  15. My dear friends, Bob and Regina, went out to the movies yesterday, and when they got home, their beautiful fawn girl, Ginger, was dead on the floor. Ginger's racing name was Just Ivy, and she was 10 years old in November. She was from Ireland. Her death was very sudden and completely unexpected; she was not ill, and was fine when her mom and dad left. The vet thinks it must've been a blood clot or something. I went to see them today, and they are both utterly devastated. Please keep them in your prayers, as well as their male grey, Frankie. They adopted both dogs on the same day, almost six years ago, so Frankie has never been without his companion. This is just awful.
  16. My deepest sympathies to you, Kari. Your dad looks like a complete sweetie!
  17. I am NOT obsessive compulsive, and I might not have a job but I DO have a life, and I aim to brush my THREE dogs' teeth daily. It is a lot cheaper than a dental, and for THREE DOGS it takes me five minutes TOPS. I don't see why you feel the need to denigrate people who brush their dogs' teeth daily.
  18. rascalsmom


    We just had new neighbors move in, they built a house on a lot that adjoins our property. We know them from church, and they had two Labs. A black one named Honey, and a yellow one called Maddie. She told me yesterday that Honey died. She was 15, which to me is incredibly old for a Labrador. She also told me that Maddie is very lonely. I told her to bring her over to play with Rascal and Ruby, Buddy can stay inside (due to his fear of dogs other than greyhounds). Honey had a good, long life, please keep her family and her "sister" Maddie in your thoughts.
  19. My friend just had her two greys to the vet and mentioned her female's teeth to the vet. He said her teeth weren't *that* bad, and that the bad breath was probably coming from her stomach. He suggested giving her Tums. My question is, will they willingly eat Tums?
  20. How sad, but how comforting somehow. Buddy (who is 8) has lost three littermates to cancers of various types.
  21. Our deepest sympathies to you on the loss of your dear girl....we were a few doors down from you, and we were shocked when we heard. You all have been on my mind ever since. Scarlett was obviously very lucky to spend the last part of her life with you..... --Melissa and Eric
  22. Her name was Scarlett, and she was staying about four doors down from us....it was not a glass elevator, and the water had been dripping in there all day...I remarked on it to my husband. Several people attempted to do CPR, but to no avail. I had not heard that the owners were electrocuted at all; what I do know is that another man, who heard Scarlett screaming, ran to help, grabbed Scarlett, and HE was zapped. I witnessed his signature because he "refused to be transported" by the paramedics. This all happened as DH and I walked into the motel from dinner. I am seriously considering not going to Dewey again. Certainly not to that motel. It was extremely upsetting to everyone in the motel. Scarlett's mom and dad are in my prayers....
  23. Just the day after little Tini passed, I snapped this shot of a rainbow. I immediately thought of that poor sweet girl, who, in her final days knew what it was to be loved.
  24. Judy, my thoughts are with you....I can't imagine how much you will miss Jim. Deepest sympathies.
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