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Everything posted by rascalsmom

  1. Good question! It isn't really next to his anus or anything, though....not that I really know where the anal glands are!
  2. Poor guy. I will keep him in my prayers for a speedy recovery, and you as well, Lori, for strength in caring for him. It is awful when they are hurt.
  3. Yes, he does mind the bath tub. He tolerates a bath, but his tail is tucked up under him the entire time. Such abuse, you know. Should I just put him in there, run warm water over it? I can use the shower sprayer which is on a hose....He will start to run when he sees me.
  4. Hmmm....sounds like something he won't like, but how do you do it? He didn't even like me taking his picture, silly dog!
  5. Ruby had a dental one week ago. She had two teeth extracted. They told me to definitely moisten her dry food for awhile...which I have been doing. How long should I keep this up? I can see where the one tooth was pulled, and it looks fine. The other tooth was pulled from WAY back in her mouth so it's harder to get a look at that area. She is all done with her pain pills, and is still on the antibiotic for another week or so....
  6. Everything was fine on Sunday when I left to go to church. After church I had to stay for a meeting. When I got home, DH said, "Buddy has what looks like a puncture wound on his butt." Sure enough, he does. No sign of how he did it, or when. DH let them outside when he got home from church, but didn't watch them (grr...) so we don't even know if he did it in the house while we were gone, or outside after DH got home. Anyway, here is the shot that shows where it is... And here is a close up. So far it looks pretty "clean", nothing oozing out of there. I have been putting EMT gel on it, or antibiotic ointment. He invariably licks it off, and I am threatening him with panties.... Any other suggestions?? It's always something. Thank God it isn't anything worse.... Oh, and please...nobody tell Buddy I have posted pictures of his bottom online!!
  7. I'm sorry for your loss, Bev. Thanks for sharing that wonderful old gal with all of us!
  8. UPDATE: Ruby just got done with her dental (3:30!!), and they pulled two teeth. I have to call back in another 1/2 hour or so and see when I can go get her.
  9. I just dropped Ruby off for her annual dental. Poor little thing has gum disease, so a yearly dental is pretty standard for her. Please, if you could spare a few prayers and positive thoughts for my little girl....I miss the sweet thing already.
  10. One of my females, Rascal, also has perpetual problems in that area. What we've been doing for it is this: when she seems to be doing a lot of licking, we get the wipes out, cleanse the area, then powder it with medicated powder from the vet. It does seem to help. We really need to be more proactive, and make it a routine thing....but I have a hard enough time making toothbrushing routine! And the cleansing/powdering is definitely something that is easier with two people....the vet showed me how to "pop" (for lack of a better word) the area out so you can cleanse it thoroughly. She isn't crazy about it, but she seems to know that we are trying to help her feel better. Her sister, Ruby, is built much the same, and she does not have problems.
  11. Giselle, I just have a couple of questions that you may be able to answer. I really want to try this with Buddy. However, I walk all three of my dogs at once, by myself 99% of the time. So, I don't really have a spare hand for the clicker. Do you think I could use another "signal", maybe a word, or a finger snap? Buddy already responds to finger snapping to an extent. Also, I have to come up with a really great treat, any recommendations? I may have trouble with the two girls mauling me when they see Buddy getting a treat, though... We're headed out for a walk soon, I may just put a handful of Goldfish crackers in my pocket in case we see another dog....lacking any other small easy to carry treat....
  12. My sympathies, Alisha. I know how hard it is.
  13. My dogs have been on it, and did OK. The only trouble I had was getting it into them...Keflex is REALLY stinky!
  14. Tiger's strange swelling She's got Ehrlichia. She is on doxycycline for two months. Doing better already, though!
  15. Oh, Nancy, I am so sorry....Winnie was truly a trooper, and how amazing for her to have survived osteo for so long....my heart aches for you and Doug.
  16. Both of the swollen areas are on the right-side limbs; not diagonally. Update from an email this morning from my friend: "It appears to me that some of the blood that had been pooled up around her armpit has moved into her chest. She is having that watery look under her chest. Again, from what I can tell, still in that straight pattern. It may just be wishful thinking on my part, but the top of her leg where it meets her body doesn't seem as swollen. The back end hasn't changed too much. She is still eating. When she gets up out of her bed she is stiff but seems to be able to walk it off quicker. "
  17. UPDATE: they took Tiger back to the e-vet today. Her leg was looking worse. They did x-rays of her leg, spine, etc., and everything looks OK there---no masses. Withdrew blood from the swelling on her rear leg...also drew blood for a blood panel and a tick panel. Should hear tomorrow on those, or Tuesday. They are also testing for leukemia... Took her off Rimadyl, put her on prednisone. Please keep Tiger (and her mom, of course) in your prayers.... As for Tiger having an injury, really, she couldn't have. My friend goes out with them every time, even though she has a fenced yard....she is quite vigilant.
  18. My friend's greyhound has developed a weird problem. Tiger is 9 years old, very active. She began limping on her right front leg on Thursday or Friday. Since Tiger likes to run every day, my friend put it down to a strain, and gave her buffered aspirin and a muscle relaxant that she had from a previous injury. Last night, she noticed Tiger panting, and upon closer examination, noticed her right front leg was swollen up; it was swollen from the armpit on down, with a linear bruise in the armpit area. The swollen area is flabby, as though it were filled with fluid. My friend took Tiger to the e-vet last night, and Tiger being the major drama queen she is, the exam was difficult. The vet was the one who noticed the "bruised" area. They suggested it could be soft tissue damage of some sort, and were unable to do x-rays without knocking Tiger out, so they did not x-ray. The vet also suggested that, if more than one limb were involved, it could be "vasculitis". Well, today my friend notices her back end (Tiger's!) seems to be involved; she described it as looking sort of like a dropped muscle [which Tiger does NOT have; my friend knows what it looks like because Ruby has one]; the one "butt cheek" is bigger than the other, but unlike the front leg's "squishy" appearance, this is a firm swelling. My friend does not know of any incident which could have caused the bruising, but Tiger has been known to cut herself and nobody knows how she did it.... Anyway, they started Tiger on Rimadyl and Baytril. My friend will most definitely be calling her regular vet in the morning, but does anyone have any ideas, or information on "vasculitis"??
  19. rascalsmom


    What a beautiful tribute, Paula. I think what Snowy8 said is all true. Nate was with you for a reason--for your healing, and for his final year. You needed one another.
  20. Not nearly close enough to you, but I turned 50 on June 20th!!
  21. That certainly looks a whole like how Rita's started!! Did it not become terribly infected? I wonder why Rita's became so darned infected?? As you can see, it was quite swollen and extremely sore for her....she was also on antibiotics. Once the thing broke open it was a lot better....if this happens again I will certainly suggest to my vet that it is a seed wart!
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