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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Oh Lisa, came here to find out if there was an update and just read your last post. I have been thinking of you and Roscoe today Keeping my fingers crossed that it's just a salivary gland issue and not a tumor.
  2. Oh no How worrying. Thank you for keeping us posted. Poor Roscoe, and poor Lisa, she must be worried sick I am keeping them both in my thoughts and hoping hoping hoping for a good outcome and definite answers.
  3. Yes, Sagan is like that. It's been in the low 60s the last few days, and he only needs to leap forward a couple of times and he's panting for 45 minutes It really does seem to be even worse in the spring - after a winter with temps in the 20s they're just not used to it. And I'm the same - when it first hits 75 degrees I can't take it, but eventually my body adjusts. I give the hounds ice cubes to cool them down and that seems to do the trick. A damp, cold cloth works really well too, but I usually don't use that until summer. And I make sure to dry them off afterwards.
  4. Lots of good thoughts for Cindy tomorrow!! I will be keeping her in my thoughts all day :goodluck :goodluck
  5. I'm only just seeing this! I'm so sorry for Roscoe, Lisa! I am keeping my fingers very tightly crossed for you both - hoping it's not cancer... and treatable. :goodluck :goodluck
  6. I wasn't on GT at all yesterday so I didn't stop by the WFUBCC and I'm just reading this now... I'm so sorry to hear that you still have no answers, Donna :( Poor Logan It must be hard to see him like this and not know what's wrong. I really hope the vet figures out what's going on soon, and that it's easily treatable. :goodluck :goodluck Hang in there... :grouphug :grouphug
  7. I'm so very sorry :cry1 :grouphug
  8. oh, how awful :cry1 I'm so terribly sorry :grouphug :grouphug
  9. Oh, this is wonderful news, Lynn! What a relief! Hoping that she is completely back to normal very soon, and that there is no relapse :goodluck :goodluck
  10. Welcome back Gorgeous pics!! ... and awesome cake
  11. Glad she seems to be in better spirits and is eating, but oh, how worrying! I know it's hard, but please try not to worry too much... and we are all keeping our fingers very firmly crossed for her :goodluck :goodluck
  12. Oh, Lynn, I'm so sorry! I'm keeping you & Brightning in my thoughts! Sending lots of hugs and keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome. :goodluck :goodluck
  13. Sending lots of good thoughts for Ekko!!!! :goodluck :goodluck Maybe she senses that change is in the air? You know how incredibly sensitive dogs are to this kind of thing...
  14. Oh, crap. Sending kisses to Adam, and :goodluck
  15. WHAT??!?! Meanie Glad to hear she seems better!
  16. This is GREAT news, Deb! :yay Three cheers for drama kings Keep getting better, Adam!
  17. I actually have tomorrow's date marked in my calendar. Even though I never met Polli, she touched my life profoundly and when she had to leave, I was devastated. Thinking of you, Robin.
  18. Poor Adam! Here's hoping it was just too much enthusiasm zooming around the yard I hope he feels better soon. And you, Deb - please be careful!! Hope you're not too sore...
  19. Oh no :cry1 Only just seeing this. :( I am so, so terribly sorry. :grouphug :grouphug Thinking of you.
  20. Oh, poor Nadir Sending lots and lots of good thoughts you way, Judy.
  21. :( Keeping you & Demon in my thoughts.
  22. Yes, these are supposed be skinny dogs, and for greys to be overweight can be even more unhealthy than for other dogs, but I don't consider their racing weight to be desirable either. It is hard to tell from the pics, to be honest, because of her coat or the light, but I think your girl looks good. Personally, though, because of their build, the stress on their joints and the fact that these dogs have been bred with such small feet, I like to keep my hounds as lean as possible. Merlin and Sagan recently went to the vet and they have both put on a couple of pounds - they often do in the winter, because our winters are icy and long, so they don't get to run as often as they do in the summer. They have always lost the weight again by late spring, so I don't worry too much anymore. I don't cut their food by much, I just cut treats and lengthen their walks. So, if I were you, maybe I'd cut down on cookies and see if her hips start showing a little more than they appear to be showing in the pictures above. You should be able to see the last 2-3 ribs and a hint of their hips, but every dog is different. For example, Merlin doesn't have that "tuck" under his tummy anymore, even when he's at his optimum weight of 75 lbs, and yet I can always see all of his ribs, even when he's overweight. Sagan, on the other hand, has the "tuck" even when he is a couple of pounds heavier than he should be, and I can still see the last three ribs, but his hips are not showing anymore. So I think that developing an eye for one's dog's optimum weight is key. I really wouldn't stress over it though. I used to obsess all the time about whether Merlin and Sagan were the right weight or not and it's silly. One day they looked too skinny, the next I was sure they were overweight Now I have learned to relax a bit more about it. As long as they are not more than 2lbs overweight or underweight, I don't worry too much. They are lucky in that they can lose weight pretty fast with just a little bit more exercise and fewer cookies.
  23. Yes, sounds like you're on to something with the NILIF, Tracey. I was thinking that the time he snapped at Jason was just after Jason had let him lick the plate - and Rufus had come to him requesting it. I think NILIF will probably yield some encouraging results :goodluck Keep us posted!
  24. Oh no I'm so sorry : :( :grouphug
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