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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Poor Shazamm. I am keeping my fingers very tightly crossed that it's not osteo and that you find out what it is soon. The waiting is the worst :(
  2. MerlinsMum

    Honey Velvet

    Karen, I've not been on GT much and if you hadn't emailed me I wouldn't have seen this. I am so terribly sorry you had to let your sweet Honey go :cry1 Your Honey was such a beautiful girl. I have been thinking of you. Sending you many, many hugs
  3. Sending lots of good thoughts for Curfew... :goodluck :goodluck :goodluck
  4. Yes - especially Sagan. Every so often I'll hear the GSOD and I run to him and he's just staring at me. Often I suspect it's a cramp. I move his leg or massage it and he's fine. Every now and then Merlin screams in the night too. Not sure if it's a cramp or a bad dream...? I get out of bed and comfort him for a while and he is fine.
  5. Only just seeing this. I'm so very sorry :(
  6. I would never advocate leaving a dog in a muzzle with a stool guard in it all day, but a regular basket muzzle is absolutely fine. My two are muzzled during the day because Sagan is a chewer, so I worry about him swallowing something that could hurt him. And I wouldn't want to muzzle just one of them - especially since Merlin rules the household. If they ever got into a fight, Sagan would not be able to defend himself in the same way if he was the only one with a muzzle on. They don't care at all and never make a fuss - in fact they know they get a cookie when I leave, so they can't wait for me to put their muzzles on them and then get their cookie. The can sleep, eat, drink with it on. Sounds like your dog-walker is unfamiliar with greyhounds and has not seen a basket muzzle before. A basket muzzle is very, very different from the muzzle you usually fit on other dogs, and greyhounds are used to them. There is nothing harmful about it, and they can drink and pant with no problem whatsoever. The only problem I'm having at the moment is that Sagan has a scratch on the right side of his nose, I think it's from his muzzle, but I am just going to put a soft lining in it and I'm sure he'll be fine. His fur is also dry right now so that's probably not helping. If he hasn't worn it in a while, you might want to put it on him for a few minutes at first, maybe with a little bit of peanut butter spread on it, and then take it off. Then put it on for a longer period of time, etc., until he is used to it.
  7. Thinking of you, Susan, and sending lots of hugs. Such a beautiful boy. That picture of him is really lovely.
  8. Thinking of you, Tom. :grouphug
  9. I just do whatever feels comfortable and affords better control of the situation, since I'm barely 5"1 and my two boys are large and strong. I often start out the walk with both dogs on my left, holding the leashes as described by caelanarcher. This is mostly for when I'm walking on a side-walk and there isn't that much space. However, when we reach a neighborhood away from the road I usually relax more and have a hound on each side. They are usually very good and the leashes are loose and they heal (mostly), but only because I've put a lot of work into training them to. Sagan heals naturally when I'm walking him alone (which is rare), but Merlin used to pull quite badly when we adopted him and we practiced loose leash walking with a clicker until he learned to walk by my side.
  10. Wow - sounds like you've really done a lot of background work Good for you. It really does depend on the dog. You could adopt a confident greyhound who walks into your house and slips right into your routine as if s/he has always lived there. Or you could adopt a greyhound that needs more time to connect. But it's only a long weekend, so I don't think it will be a huge problem. If it were me and I were REALLY concerned about it -- and this is just me -- I would wait until after my trip. That way I wouldn't have to worry about it at all. You've waited more or less since 2005, so a couple more months aren't going to make a huge difference. But my first grey had separation anxiety (partly, I'm sure, due to being a bounce), so my feelings on the issue are very much influenced by my experience. I bet your dog will be fine and dandy.
  11. I am so very sorry to hear this I hope you have some very happy days together still ahead of you. :grouphug
  12. Hmm. Good point. Maybe I'll start muzzling them again in the car even for short trips... After all, if someone steps on another's tail, it doesn't matter how well they get along... it could trigger an incident and it's not something I want to experience when I'm driving.
  13. Yes, muzzle, especially since they're new to each other. I have only just stopped muzzling my two in the car for short trips across town (5-10 minutes), because they have absolutely no space issues whatsoever and indeed they like to sleep on top of each other half the time But I always bring muzzles with me so that I have them on hand if I need to use them.
  14. Fingers tightly crossed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :goodluck :goodluck
  15. He brings the stuffy back and drops it on the floor to be thrown again??? :wow That's amazing Congratulations, and welcome home Redman!!
  16. Gosh, let's hope she will continue to be fine! Hopefully she will just be a little sore. I can't wait for winter to be over. I haven't taken the hounds to a ballpark since it started to snow, and even when they're doing zoomies in the yard I cringe every time, keeping my fingers crossed that there aren't going to be any ripped nails or other injuries :goodluck I almost want to close my eyes sometimes... instead I just watch them like an eagle. In the meantime, they're REALLY bored and could really use a run, but I can't risk injuries - never mind any avoidable vet bills.
  17. Oh no :cry1 I'm so terribly sorry, what devastating news. :grouphug
  18. I'm so terribly sorry, Lynn . :grouphug He was a beautiful boy. Those pictures are so sweet. Rest in peace, Rico...
  19. :cry1 I am so sorry, Alisha. :grouphug Such a beautiful hound he was. I love that pic of him drinking in the sun. Rest in peace, sweet boy.
  20. How utterly heartbreaking. I am so terribly sorry :cry1 I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through. :grouphug
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