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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Sending lots of good thoughts for Sirocco! :goodluck :goodluck
  2. Thank you very much for more great advice. Carol Ann, thanks for those two names! I have not yet emailed my vet, so I will definitely make sure to mention those two when I do.
  3. This is very helpful and a real relief. I'll still email the vet about the water to be sure, but thanks for reminding me that he will have fluids going into him when he's under... so maybe that's worth a little thirst beforehand, just to be sure I follow their instructions to the letter. Since I'm worried about complications, that at least would be one less thing to worry about... Thanks so much!
  4. Thank you all so very much for your advice, you have no idea how much it helps!! You've given me ideas about what to ask. I just don't remember... Would Acepromazine be a problem?? I have decided that I am going to send an email to my vet and ask her if she can email me back with the exact names of the substances she will be using. I hope it won't sound as if I don't trust her, because I so trust her judgment, but I just like to be informed so I know what to expect (even though I know that sometimes the unexpected can occur ). All I know for now is what is on the estimate I was given, which isn't much. One of the items listed is "Anesthesia ISO" - maybe that stands for Isoflurane? This is what I have: Ca Routine Prophylactic Cleaning Dental Radiographs 0-4 Views Anesthesia ISO Surgical Pre-Anesthetic Screen - IH Temporary IV Catheter Surgical Procuedure IV Fluids Lincocin Sterile Inj./cc Clindamycin 150mg (which I have been told is the antibiotics I will need to administer after the surgery - although I seem to remember getting Clavamox last time) Oral Biopsy Collection Dental Histopathology Does that sound good? I am glad to see that she already thought to put in an IV for the procedure, thanks for mentioning that! I'll also ask her directly about the water issue. She's always been very straightforward and thorough about everything she does -- I remember once she spent an extra 25 minutes or so on a visit with me with a big veterinary tome, going through all the exceptions for greyhounds -- so I think she will understand...
  5. It might also help to invest in a Brake-Fast bowl. My Sagan throws himself on his food like it's the first meal he's had in weeks... but the Brake Fast bowl really slows him down. I use the blue one for both my boys. Good luck!
  6. Oh, how AWFUL, poor Fast! :ohno I hope the surgery goes well and that he heals and recovers quickly! Sending lots of good thoughts! :goodluck :goodluck Really glad to hear your dad called the cops too! Nice work. Go Angel!!!!! :clap
  7. I went to the vet with Merlin yesterday about the growth in his mouth. My vet is not sure it's an epulis. He's due to have surgery next Wednesday to remove it (after which it will be sent to a lab for testing), and since his back teeth have tartar on them he is going to have a dental at the same time. He's had a dental at my vet's before, and he's been under general anaesthesia 4 times in his life already. So I'm not worried - right? WRONG. 1 - I just don't seem to remember my vet's words about the risks involved making me this anxious the last time he had surgery. I have not even had the time to freak out about the growth - I am just really worried about something going wrong when he's "under". One of the reasons is that my vet told me that she uses a drop of something - for the life of me I can't remember the medical term - and that, in her words, "that word alone makes greyhound folks go 'Aaaargh!' when they hear it" - she says she uses it because she finds that it's the best way to make sure that they stay asleep, otherwise the anaesthetic is too light. But she says she uses just a drop. She used it on her greyhound, too. And one of the greys at playgroup also has her as a vet, and she's gone "under" with Dr. Katie too, and she's always been fine. Also, she does all of the greyhound spays/neuters/dentals for a local shelter that adopts out greyhounds. But I'm still worried now, because I keep thinking about this "drop" of whatever it is! (why didn't I ask her to write it down for me?). I do trust my vet's knowledge, expertise and experience with greyhounds (that's why I chose her), but I have a hard time trusting ANYONE generally, and when it comes to Merlin I just go bananas and neurotic because I can't, can't lose him, I just can't. 2 - Also, I have a question... I was told not to feed Merlin that morning, which is fine. However, I am concerned about their request that I don't give him ANY water that morning either. They told me that he can drink the night before but then I should pick up his bowl. It's supposed to be humid and 80 degrees the day of his surgery. I can skip his usual 45 minute walk to keep him from overheating and wanting water, but I HAVE to take him out for a short walk as he won't poop in the yard. Can I give him a little ice? Or can I get up at 2am to give him some water? How long does it take for a dog to digest water? 3 - Merlin is in very good health and is five years old, so the vet said that he should just need the regular pre-surgical tests, and not the additional ones. There is a big price discrepancy between the two, so I thought I'd take her advice, especially since the surgery is going cost over $500. Is that standard procedure? I am pretty sure he just got the usual tests the last time he had a dental, but then he was also 2 years younger. Any advice, comments, expertise, thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I am VERY nervous this time around. Thank you so much in advance!
  8. Sorry to hear that Avalanche isn't eating. So glad the surgery went well!! Hope he starts eating soon... Sending lots of good thoughts. :goodluck
  9. Terrific news!! :yay I am so happy for you, and for Shelby of course!!
  10. Sending lots of good thoughts for Shelby!!! :goodluck
  11. That's such a relief! Glad he is going to be okay. Let's hope Merlin is just as lucky... Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it. I have an appointment to see my vet tomorrow afternoon.
  12. The ones at the back are pretty bad, he hasn't had a dental in two and a half years. Thanks for your input and good thoughts!
  13. Thank you very much to you both.... I looked up epulis and found another GT thread about it... it looks just like Merlin's. I'll call my vet tomorrow morning. I guess I'll schedule a dental at the same time, he's due one, I was just procrastinating because I'm a nervous nelly when it comes to the hounds' dentals... Thank you!
  14. This morning I was brushing the dogs' teeth and I noticed that Merlin has a fairly large growth on his gum. It's very hard to the touch. My vet is closed today, but I am thinking I should call them tomorrow to make an appointment. Have you seen this before? What do you think it could be? Could it have been caused by chewing on the rawhide I gave them the other day (and yesterday)? They don't usually get it. Any advice you can give would be appreciated... right now it doesn't seem to be hurting him.
  15. I'm so, so sorry :cry1 :grouphug Rest in peace, Cofax....
  16. OMG. Hopefully no harm was done. I know it's hard - but try to calm down... sounds like she is going to be okay You acted quickly, and did all the right things! My advice? Throw that awful, awful stuff away (but my guess is you've already done this!). Mouse poison is completely indiscriminate and a horrible. agonizing way to go - for anyone. And then you won't have to worry about it again... Take it easy.
  17. Go Ekko! :yay Sending more good thoughts your way, sweetie
  18. Wow, she is gorgeous! And it looks like her transition is practically non-existent! So glad to hear she and Sienna are getting along so well, and that she loves your sons already! Congratulations!!!!!!!!
  19. Oh, poor Ekko! I hope the runs are just temporary... and that she feels better soon! :goodluck
  20. I agree with just cutting back his food a bit and definitely reduce the treats. However, increasing exercise is always preferable to decreasing food intake, in my opinion. Good luck!
  21. Hoping it's nothing :goodluck You could always email that pic to your vet and see if s/he thinks it's worth taking a proper look at - it's a very clear picture. Sending good thoughts!
  22. Beautiful girl She had such a softy expression :grouphug
  23. I'm so very sorry :cry1 Rest in peace, Lily....
  24. Sending lots of good thoughts for Ekko! (and some scritches for Lenny ) :goodluck :goodluck
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