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Everything posted by greg1229

  1. Welcome, love your new addition and am looking forward to hearing and seeing all her antics
  2. LANDSHARK!!!! I so love little greyt puppies Welcome to the GT world little Harry. Your parental units will be posting pics of you and telling us all your new adventures. Now mom and dad...welcome to the darkside..
  3. Like too many here that have lost one to the Big C, cherish every moment, spoil her with all the food you know she loves, but shouldn't have and love on her. Know that all of us here on GT, send our love and prayers
  4. Checking in to look for an update on Flash..any word?
  5. Well today Bijou is acting like her old self. I am going to talk to the vet Monday about putting her on some steroids to reduce the swelling. And even though she is getting old, if the steroids help see about what she thinks about removing the mass. It's a tough call. She has had a long and happy spoiled life. I'm not ready to give up yet. But I'll know more after I talk to the vet next week. Bijou still prefers to hang out in my bedroom on her favorite bed, but she still gets up to get cookies and raw beef and ear scratches. So as long as I can see that special spark in her eye I plan on doing what I can to keep her in my life. Greg
  6. Hang in there Flashy..my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery
  7. The Test Results are Back... Unfortunately I will be sending Bijou across the Bridge soon. Blood work came back and she has a borderline Grade III Mast Cell Tumor on her inner right thigh. It has enlarged to the point were the blood is not circulating back up from her foot. The vet said if the tumor was a lot smaller we could probably remove it and do mass amounts of Chemo, but at almost 12 years old she isn't sure how well she could even tolerate the surgery and Chemo with the size the tumor is now. I have to let her go soon, but deciding when is the hardest. She can still walk around ok, but not putting a lot of weight on the leg. She is still a happy girl to see daddy when I come home. But she is losing weight even though she is eating. And she does seem to spend more time alone in her favorite spot in my bedroom. I'm thinking maybe another week or two, however I don't want to wait until the leg becomes dead weight and she has trouble getting up and down. After losing Isis last year I am not looking forward to letting Bijou go this year but I can't be selfish and put her through unnecessary pain or suffering. Now I just have to make that final decision. I want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. Greg
  8. Update on Ms Bijou--- We are still in a holding pattern, but it is not looking good. The swelling has increased and now her ankle area is swollen. The vet thinks this is due to the mass cutting off blood flow to her foot. So I am laying her on her back ( like that is hard to get a greyhound to do ) and massaging the foot and ankle to get the blood flow again. The vet aspirated the mass in 3 different areas to get samples to get to the lab. Vet is not happy. If it was more a soft tissue or fat mass the fluid would be clearer. But these samples are almost pure blood. She told me to hope for the best, but be ready for the worse. Bijou has lost 11 lbs in the last year even though she eats anything and everything she wants. Another bad sign. I should get the lab results back Wed. Afternoon and we will go from there. Greg
  9. I shampoo the girls MAYBE 2 or 3 times a year. Depends on what they find "fun" to roll in in the backyard. I use a oatmeal based shampoo. As for dry skin I give my girls a fish oil cap everyday and that has done wonders on the dry skin, even for me.
  10. Yesterday was my usual trip to get Frontline Plus for my girls.. I get a 3 month supply, really one month when ya got 3 gretys, purple box. And in the span of a year the price has steadily gone up. A year ago I was getting it for about $32 a box, yesterday it was over $40. The lady at the supply house told me that they have been having a hard time getting it and the company keeps jacking it up. Are you folks experiencing the same price hikes? So from what I have read from other GT'ers, it is time to switch from the once a month Frontline Plus to a once a week misting of Adam's water based flea and tick spray...$40 as opposed to $9 which will last way more then a month..
  11. Bijou, my 11 year old blue sweetie, has developed a large soft mass on the inside of her right rear leg. She has a couple of other ones that are not very big and the vet a year ago looked at them and determined them to be fatty tissue masses and for me to keep and eye on them. Those have never enlarged and she has no problem with them. But this one started small about a week ago and now is about the size of a tangerine and the skin is discolored. Almost the color of a bad bruise. It hasn't effected her walking or roaching or jumping on the couch or the chair. It's not tender to the touch and is pretty "mushy" to the touch. But better safe then sorry. She has been losing some weight even though she eats regularly. I know we want them to be with us forever, but losing Isis to Osteo last year I am not ready to say goodbye again. Please keep the little furrball in your prayers Greg
  12. He is one handsome hound..and welcome to the Darkside.,..
  13. Ekko and Tessa..get better soon. You momma is worrying about you
  14. I sent an email to the company that makes Nature's Domain inquiring why not all Costcos carry this dog food. Here is the replay I received from them: "Nature’s Domain dog food was launched by Costco as a test in limited markets. Costco will be determining when and where to add this food to their buildings. Since they don't always relay to us where it will be sold, we suggest that you contact Costco's corporate office to find out the location closest to you where they are selling it. The corporate office is usually who will know about a national roll-out such as this. If you would like for them to stock it at your local store, please feel free to contact Costco through their website and request that they bring this food to your local Costco warehouse. You might also want to turn in a request when you are at Costco doing your shopping. Costco is very responsive to member requests. The more members take the time to contact Costco, the more likely you will see the food in your local building. Sincerely, Melissa Brookshire, DVM" Greg
  15. I've had Gracie as my Spooky foster for 7 months now. She had total fear of the leash..if she saw it she would go cower in the spare room and shake. One thing I did to help her get over the fear was get a piece of thing rope the light stuff almost like a twine. Cut about a 3 foot piece of it and attached it to her collar and let it hang. At first she would stand and not move, if she did, she felt it drag and would freeze again. But I did it everyday for about 10-15 minutes and soon she was trotting around the house like it wasn't there. Then I moved up to a regular leash, but a short one. Same thing, freeze, move freeze again. But after a few weeks she would walk around the house dragging it. After 7 months she still is not a fan of the leash but I can attach one to her and take her for a walk outside. Or a ride in the van. The hardest part was at the beginning...I felt so sad for her, but I knew if I gave it, it would re-enforce the fear and she would feel like she "won" Hope that helps some Greg
  16. Welcome from Phoenix.,..Penny is a cutie and a half Greg
  17. Ignore my post in the previous posts..I see you have a handsome four-legged boy there. Glad to hear everyone is settling in well greg oh yeah..and welcome from the desert
  18. We don't know if we are going to get a boy or girl yet. Our rescue has an adoptathon this weekend. We will take Phantom with us along with our two daughters to figure out who will best fit in the family. I think my husband and daughters are leaning towards a female. I tend to like male dogs, but I am up for whomever will be the best fit. Ultimately, it will probably be Phantom that picks the new dog. Ok, waiting on baited breathe....ya get a boy or a girl or take the plunge and get two now to avoid the inevitable??
  19. When I am not at work it's pretty much me and the girls. Someone told me I needed to get a life..I have one..their names are Tessa, Ellie, Bijou and Spooky Foster Gracie..
  20. I have been fostering Gracie since the first of Nov. When I brought her into my home I didn't even see her for four days. She would stay back in the spare bedroom I have set up as my fosters "safe" room. I could not even approach her if we were both standing up. She would cower and run back to the "safe" room. I had to corner her in the room to even put a leash on her and she would often pee in fear. I found that if I put a lightweight leash or even some packing twine on the collar and let it hang to the floor she would just not move. Even though my heart said to take it off her my brain said No!..After about 3 weeks of doing this she would sulk around the house trailing the twine behind her. Now 6 months later, she is still not a big fan of the leash but she no longer runs to hide and we go to meet and greets and her fear is getting better, if fact she loves going for rides in the van so when I go to front door she comes to the door and I can then clip the leash on and we are off on a great adventure ;lol ( think the MickyD's kiddie ice cream cone may have helped) IT will take time and patience but your pup should get use to having a leash and going out to check out the world. Greg
  21. All the fosters I have had over the years have been fresh off the circuit. And yes it is a bit scary. But take heart in knowing they are just as scared as you are. And with fostering you will help a "new Kid" get its "home" legs and you will be the first to see the personality come through. It's also great in that when you feel you are ready, the current foster may be the one you have been waiting for. If not, then you send them to a forever home knowing they are ready to be as loved and spoiled family member. Greg
  22. Sorry to hear about Zeus.. He was one of my favs here on GT..Hang in there and know we are here for you during this tough time Greg
  23. well, I broke down and bought a bottle of the water based flea and tick mist. Would rather do that then try the topical. Don't want stuff absorbed into the bloodstream
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