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Everything posted by greg1229

  1. Ok...here is the story in a coconut shell(a walnut shell would be too small) I adopted Ellie B in May..She came with a major bout of hookworm and a serious rash on her neck. After a couple of months of Drontal we got rid of the worms but the neck rash was still there and getting worse. I then took in Ellie's mom as a foster who decided to give her daughter hookworm again.. The neck rash started to spread. So after trying cortizone cream on the rash it flared up even more, and the fur on her tail started looking "ratty" Decided to do a Thyroid panel to be on the safe side. and have t\the vet take another look at the rash. Rash is fungal yeast infection probably brought on by....you guessed it..Hypothyroidism.. So for the next 2 months she is going to be a pill popping, Panacur juicing freak. 5 days of 17ml Panacur then a couple of weeks later same thing again then a fecal test a week after that. For the rash the doc has her on two weeks of Fluconazole an antibiotic. Plus 3 times a week a bath with KetoChlor medicated shampoo for the rash and now 6 weeks of Thyroxine .7 strength twice a day for the hypothyroid,. Her T4 was 0.8 and cTSH was 0.41...then a retest in 6 weeks. She is either going to love me or kill me in my sleep Little did I know the blue brindle I fell in love with was a closet special needs gal..But I love her all the same, but I think it's going to be Top Raman for a while on my plate.. Greg
  2. I work for the local ABC affiliate and our "Smart Shopper" did a segment on the Pedipaws. She does a weekly try it before you buy it. I hope the link to the story works.. http://www.abc15.com/mediacenter/local.asp...amp;navCatId=22 Greg
  3. Well if this is the last winter for them up there, I hear Luke AFB has room..and it never freezes Welcome from the Magic Foster House here in a balmy Phoenix, AZ Greg
  4. My Isis hits 13 next month and over the last year I have noticed her hip bones showing more and her neck a little more wrinkled then when I adopted her at age 5. But she still eats well, can jump up on the bed with no problem and will hop up and down for a cookie. I know it's a part of aging and it does depress me some knowing the final outcome; but as long as she keeps "daddy" in line and is keeping up with the younger pups 9 and 2 she will always get the little something extra for her meals. Greg
  5. " fly-catching imaginary flies, licking her front legs, staring at the walls, ceiling etc." I had the same behavior when someone decided to close the station wagon tail gate before I got my head out of the way.. Sounds like a mild concussion but better safe then sorry, even if she isn't acting that way in the morning, you may wanna get her checked out at your vet tomorrow Greg
  6. Ok, I don't know how new this is but have I came across an over the counter wormer at Petco and have been seeing it on one of my pet supply sites called WormX. This is info on it from the company website: WormXPlus™ for Dogs is the first chewable tablet available over the counter that treats and prevents roundworms (Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina), hookworms (Ancylostoma caninum, Ancylostoma braziliense and Uncinaria stenocephala) and the two most common forms of tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum and Taenia pisiformis). Dogs prefer the pork liver flavor, making WormXPlus tablets easy and convenient to give as part of a regular monthly deworming schedule. Active Ingredients: Each large dog flavored chewable contains 114 mg of pyrantel pamoate and 114 mg of praziquantel. The dose for each drug is 2.27 mg per pound of body weight(5 mg/kg). So far none of my fosters have had worm issues And they are tested and treated for tapeworm before they come into foster care. But I would like to have something just in case. Out here in the desert about the only worm issue we have is tapeworm. But with dogs coming in from other parts of the country there is a chance for hookworm and roundworm. Like to get feedback from everyone before I get some. Greg
  7. Welcome from Phonix Arizona.. Love your girl..I see she loves to roach and I see a bit of ETS Extended Tongue Syndrome Greg
  8. Welcome to the wonderful world of the 40mph couch potato..
  9. Been following this thread, from the other board.. Glad everything is going ok so far. Sounds like the typical learning curve to me. Stay strong and don't give in to every little whine, let him know YOU are running things not him. When I adopted Ellie a few months ago she was really trying hard to manipulate me and it was hard not to give in. But now she understands her positon in the pack and has become such a sweetheart. Give the boy and ear rub from me too. Greg
  10. welcome neighbor.... Just don't confuse the baby clothes with the grey's clothes...talk about embarrassing.. Greg
  11. Welcome from Pheonix, AZ and welcome to the darkside..
  12. Welcome from sunny Phoenix, Az She is a sweetie there. A little time and you won't be able to seperate the two G
  13. Welcome from a balmy Phoenix, Arizona
  14. Welcome to Greyhound Nirvana... From Phoenix, AZ...and now that you have introduced yourself and you furr baby we need... it's the Greg
  15. Congrats and thank you for giving this special girl a place to call home in her final days. She will be comfortable and I can tell already spoiled rotten.. Greg
  16. I'm TRYING not to be paranoid..Esp. after yesterday.. I brought in a new foster and all 3 of my girls wanted to see and sniff and play with her.Well, you try puting 4 greys in a space that is about 3 feet wide and 5 feet long.. In all the pushing and shoving, Bijou my 9 year old got her hip banged and I got the GSOD and ever since last night she lays down but when she gets up more GSOD, but she walks ok. I've been feeling and found the area where she is most sore and have been massaging it and spoiling her more. I'd hate to rush to the vet to hear "oh she just bruised her hip a bit, she should be fine in a few days....that will me $100 please.. I am not going to be heartless, if she is still sore and grouchy tomorrow I will then take her to the vet. just to make sure. But still I have that paranoid feeling even to the point of sleeping on the floor next to her last night..
  17. Ellie still has hookworms and on yet anoither round of Drontal...Vet was suggestiong putting her on Heartgard Plus since it is good to brevent heartworm and has the meds to help fight and get rid of her hookworms. My question is this---With the cost of Heartgard for 3 greyounds. It was suggested to me to put them on Tri-Heart Plus. It also has the ivermectin/pyrantel like Heartgard but a bit cheaper on the wallet. So has anyone used Tri-Heart Plus and if so what are your opinions on it. Greg
  18. Welcome from.... Glad to have you join our merry band Greg
  19. hello and welcome home Rio from a sunny and tad warm Phoenix, Arizona
  20. Went to the vet today with Ellie... Two things... She still has hookworm but the fecal sample showed a lot less eggs then a month ago, so vet is doing one more round Drontal Plus. But she has gained some weight so the vet say that is a good sign since a lot of the times when they are infected as badly as she was they lose weight even though they keep eating. As for the rash, skin scrape showed no parasites. Since the rash pretty much cleared up but came back after two weeks of antibiotics we probably should have given her one more week. So now she will 3 weeks of antibiotics plus he gave her a shot of Prednisone (sp) and some spay on topical. It could be a seasonal allergy, but he wanted to see if this clears things up before doing a $300 allergy panel. If anyone gets Cephalexin prescribed for their dogs..have the vet write the script and take it to wal-mart or any of the stores that have the generics for $10 for a 90 day supply. Trust me. It's costing me $18 for the meds (had to get 2 scripts for the different dosages) as opposed to getting the pills from the vet for $48 Aside from that Ellie B is one happy pampered houndie Give ya the next update in Sept when she goes back Greg
  21. Ellie B. is fighting a bout of hookworm and has a bad rash on her neck. So we finished the 2nd round of drontal. And the 2 weeks of cephalxin for the rash. The rash cleared up, but 4 days later it started back up again. Is there a stranger antibiotic that can really kick the rash out of her??
  22. Greetings from sunny Phoenix, AZ...
  23. Phoenix, AZ I have 3 greys, a 12, 9 and 2 year old. No cats or small animals. Doggie dog, a lot of stuffies and spare dog beds. Treats if allowed and a plastic kiddie pool for afternoon relaxing. greg1229@yahoo.com
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