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Everything posted by greg1229

  1. I went to work this morning and Isis was her usual self. I come home 8 hour later and she can barely stand or work. Her left rear leg will not support her weight and the paw is curled under. I took her to the e-vet and they took x-rays to see if any broken bones or damage and all was clean. They were even amazed at how well her spine looked for a 13 year old.. great spacing between the verts, no calcium build up and no sign of the Big C. She doesn't seem to be in pain, but is panting a bit more then normal. She sort of moves the leg, but it seems to natural want to pull to be behind her right leg. Vet is hoping it is just a soft tissue injury but is leaning towards a neurological problem. She gave me some Rymadl for to make her more comfortable and I am to keep an eye and see if she improves over the weekend. She was able to stand better when we left the vet then when I took her. When I took her she couldn't even stand on her back legs. but could hop a bit when i went to get her after the xrays a couple of hours later. She even went to jump in the back of the car, but of course went right unto her arse when she shift her weigh to her hind legs. If after a week if there is no improvement, I may be facing the decision that no one wants to face. Isis is a little over 13 years old and I'm not sure how she would be able to handle some of the tests that they may need to do and if there is any surgery that she would need, the vet isn't sure how she could handle the anesthesia. But right now it is a wait and see. Isis is my first greyt and daddy's girl. She has been with me almost 9 years now. I hope is a few more years before I have to make the big decision. Greg
  2. Welcome from Phoenix...and a handsome young man you got there
  3. I have not adopted a spook, but as of yesterday took in my first spook foster. And it is already a learning experience. I was use to my fosters figuring out the dog door in a day. Lynn will look at it, look at the other dogs go in and out but will freeze up if she gets too close to it. Not even tasty treats will coax her through it. So I have been gently leading her to it and nudging her from behind to help her learn. But not forcing her through. She will poke her head through and I will stop and just speak softly to her and pet her. Then usually just bump her hindend and she goes on through. I go out and praise and pet her and she will run circles around me and actually come up for attention. Today is the first day she will actually come near me. So instead of towering over her to pet her I get to her level and she will stick her nose out at me. If I lay on the floor she will come to me, but if I make a sudden move she is off to the back bedroom for a short while. I know this is going to be a learning experience for both of us but I have next week off so I have time to work with her on the dog door and I got several bottles of enzyme pet stain remover.. And this morning I needed it.. Tonight she feels she has to lay on the blankets near me but not a fan of me touching her. So I just ignore her and I know it will take time. I've wanted to foster a spook for a long time now and i know it will be a lot of work. But I know the rewards are going to be so worth all the stain remover, towels and laundry when all is said and done Greg The Magic Foster House
  4. Spiff, you were a great space explorer and now you are no longer limited to this earthly confine. Now your adventures really begin. You may have physically left us but you will always be with us in our hearts. And if in your adventures you come to a planet run by apes...RUN!!!! Greg
  5. welcome to our little neck of the cyber-world....can't wait to see pics of the grandpups
  6. How is my Miss Molly today?? I have been offline a few days and just saw the original post... If it isn't the Happy Tail, it's the toe..
  7. Greetings from sunny Phoenix, Arizona
  8. Go get a Mooshie, Go get a Mooshie and save one for momma Greg
  9. it's good to see her on the mend and eating
  10. My prayers to you and the family...Blackberry is free from pain and chasing rabbits and roaching in the warm sunlight. And knows that one day everyone will be together again. Blackberry will send you a new soul to love to help fill the void. Like many who have lost a loved greyt, I often read it's when you least expect it. G
  11. positive energy to you and Mable..Give the little girl a marhsmellow from Uncle Greg
  12. Greetings from Phoenix I work with GPA-Az and so far 10 fosters this year and no failures..but there have been a couple..
  13. I just got through giving Ellie a round of Panacur for 5 days for her hookworm. And she has had the old Wendy's Frosty soft serve puddles.. I am hoping it is her body getting rid of the little buggers.. In two weeks she gets another round. Just keep an eye on him for the next few days and see if things firm up.. G
  14. were the pills yellow?? I was thinking if they are the dye in them may be what is causing the yellow tint to the poo
  15. Welcome from sunny Pheonix..and Mia is a looker
  16. hello you pretty little girl..here's to finding your forever home soon
  17. hello from Phoenix....and we need
  18. welcome from sunny Phoenix, AZ..two is better then one...so is 3...hint hint Greg
  19. Don't worry, you are not a bad parent. Sometimes these things happen and now that you know what it is and got him on the meds you wil see the pounds packing on him soon. Tapeworm is pretty much standard worm issues with retired greys. Usually the adoption group will do a de-worming before they adopt out, but some fall through the cracks. I have Ellie who is chalkful of hookworm which is rare out in Arizona. But but I don;t blame anyone for it..Like I said stuff happens. Jack will get rid of the little buggers and a little "extra" treats and food and he will put on some weight and probably be doing zoomies all over the place Greg
  20. I'm the same way... A day of going nutz and I need a couple to get my old joints to cooperate. Give her a couple of days to re-coup and if she is still out of it by Monday a vet checkup wouldn't hurt Greg
  21. This is more for my own peace of mind then anything else. Around Easter Bijou was attacked in a dog park and got some staples and stitches and a mass amout of antibiotics. For the first 3 or 4 days while she was on them she would "leak"..a lot.. Now Ellie is on Fluconazole and Panacur since Tuesday and yesterday she started "leaking" and I ain't talking a drop or two. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night with a big ole wet area on the bed. Do I just have defective greyts or has others out there had the same issue? And how long should wait before I make frantic calls to the vet? Greg
  22. How is my little momma doing? I haven't seen many shots of her here..Don;t make me come over there young lady.. Is her happy tail all fixed up?
  23. we are leaning towards the T level being on the low side as a side effect from the yeast infection on her neck and the worm infestation. Think i will do the run of antiviotics and the Panacur. She has some wieght gain..about 8 lbs since she retired in May but with it 100+ degrees everyday I wouldn't get out and run around either. She does chase and play with Bijou when it cools down at night. Then go from there. Oh yeah.,..know how muh fun it is to squirt 18ml of Panacur down a dog's throat.. Greg
  24. After talking with our greyhound adoption vet, I think the vet I used was high... Seems according to her and a study from the Univ. of Florida Greyhounds naturally have a lower T4 level. Seems .5 to 3.6 is normal range. Looking at the chart the vet gave me he is using other breed levels. So Ellie's .8 is a little low but within a greyhounds normal range. The weight gain may be from lack of exercise in this 100+ heat the last 5 months. So i am hesitant to shove pills down her throat for hypothyroidism. I really don;t want to medicate her if not neccessary. I would love some input from other GTers out there. Greg
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