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Posts posted by 4My2Greys



    Maggie, Shelby is trucking along. She's a tough old girl and as long as her back doesn't cause her problems, she is good. Sort of like the Energizer Battery, just make sure she has her Gabapentin and she's good to go. She has started to run around our property here in Maine and doesn't show any signs she is grieving. The only one who is, is Peanut, Lynn's little girl. She is extremely sensitive and loved her big brothers. Every time we got the leashes out to take Jack for a ride, she was right there with him whether it was back home or here in Maine. Now she's taken to laying at the front door on the mat seeming to be waiting for Jack to come home....it is very sad to see her there and I know it's hurting Lynn. We try to keep her and ourselves occupied by beach walking twice a day and I think that is helping but she, like us, will always miss sweet Jack.


    Peanut :kiss2


    Lynn had her blog going for a while and I read it everyday, can you please let her know that yamaha_gurl (same name on there) is thinking of her too?


    Kyle, would you also let Lynn know that I also think about her often. One of the highlights of my day was reading her blog. It was there that I learned about the special Gotcha Day quilts she made. My most treasured auction win is one of those quilts she donated to an auction. I couldn't imagine anything sewn with more loving hands, coming from a home filled with so much love to give. It is what I covered Bruiser with the day his tumor burst and his body shivered from the sudden blood loss.

    My eyes are overflowing again with tears as I think about the loss of Jack you two are experiencing. I wish there were words to make it better, but I know there are none. Just know that for both Charlie and Jack you and Lynn made their lives the best they possibly could be.

  2. These were interesting articles, thanks for posting them.


    I think I'll ask the integrative care vet about these at Twiggy's consult next week, as well as her oncologist. It sounds like it might be worth trying (even though she's only on cytoxan now). I'm also interested in curcumin, and want to see what they think about that too.


    From the human side, I found the link between lack of sleep at night and breast cancer interesting. My mother had breast cancer years ago, and she has never liked to sleep at night. She says her clock is just backwards. I wonder whether there is some connection (she was pretty young when she had it).


    Wendy, something else you might be interested in is the study of chronobiology and circadian rhythms in the dosing times of chemo drugs. There has been show to be as much as a 50% difference in side effects and tumor kill ratio depending on the time of day each drug was administered.

  3. With Bruiser's recent diagnosis of hemangiosarcoma I have been reading everything I can with regards to supplements that could help in his treatment. I found the following articles and studies to be very interesting regarding melatonin.


    http://www.canceractive.com/cancer-active-page-link.aspx?n=1242& Title=Melatonin%20and%20cancer%20prevention


    Melatonin, sleep disturbance and cancer risk.




    Research: Melatonin-chemotherapy improves survival from cancer




    Decreased toxicity and increased efficacy of cancer chemotherapy using the pineal hormone melatonin in metastatic solid tumor patients with poor clinical status




    Melatonin potentiates chemotherapy-induced cytotoxicity and aptosis in rat pancreatic tumor cells




  4. I gasped when I read your post Lindsay. Poor, poor Rogan, what an awful mistake on that vet's part for him to have to suffer for. It makes me sick to think about it. With all you have on your plate this is the last thing you needed.

    Prairieprof, I've read that if the toe is not amputated far enough up it can cause trouble for the dog when they walk because the stump hits the ground when they walk and can be quite painful for them. I don't know, but this could be the issue with the amputation.


    Looks like I didn't read far enough down before posting. I'm glad that things seem to be looking better for Rogan, but if this is the vet that made this grievous mistake I'd be rather dubious about their assurance that all was well.

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