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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. Holley pharmaceuticals has the best. I wouldn't care how much it cost me to get it. That is what I gave Marvin and it's recommended in the Whole Dog Journal.
  2. NancyB


    This is so sad, disturbing and a tragic loss. I'm so sorry your girl had to go through this. Rest in peace, Shayla
  3. June I'm so sorry. RIP beautiful girl
  4. OMG Tom! I'm so sorry to hear about Jed!
  5. NancyB

    Quiet Man

    Oh no Jennifer! I'm so sorry to hear about Quiet Man
  6. Oh my goodness, he is just tooooo handsome! Congrats!
  7. Keeping my fingers crossed that Penny continues to eat and keep her food down
  8. Marvin was on Metacam and for a 100ML bottle it was $90 through my vet. There is a dropper it comes with that is marked off for weight, I would fill it to the 80 pound mark. Here is a scan of the box
  9. I spoke to my own vet about this for Marvin and she agreed to do it for me. I know she did speak to OSU about how to administer it, they also sent her the chemo. This was four years ago so maybe they things are different now. I don't understand why they would say to get it off of the website. if it's not easy to find or doesn't really give specifics. Sending prayers and hugs for Cosmo.
  10. My husband visited you guys today and met that puppy. I hope she continues to gain weight. We had a cat with diabetes and it really wasted him away. We never could get him regulated even with insulin shots twice a day.
  11. I just saw this and I'm so sorry Fiona was attacked! The original picture looks awful but the newest picture she looks great. My Ramm was attacked by a groundhog a couple of years ago and I saw it happen. His damage was nothing like Fiona's.
  12. That sounds like a good update. When Marvin had his amputation we were lucky we could block off the living room and we could take him out the front door to go potty and there were only two steps off of the porch. We had a baby gate attached (the kind you hook into eyelets) between rooms. He could see the rest of the doggies and they could see him. He didn't like being separated though. I hope Jamey has a very speedy recovery
  13. My Marvin had a swollen wrist. Like Batmom said, you need to have it x-rayed.
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