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Everything posted by NancyB

  1. OMG poor Emmy! I hope she feels better soon. Why would someone pee on a house?
  2. My Ruby is on Proin 25mg twice a day for incontinence. She does not seem depressed. I would definitely ask your vet about lowering her dose.
  3. My heart hurts for you, I'm so sorry about everything Sending positive thoughts for Rascal.
  4. I'm so sorry to hear about Barney. My greyhound Marvin had osteo in his front leg. When we first found out we didn't want to do an amputation. We did do palliative radiation at first and it did help him for six weeks with pain control but then at that point we decided to do an amputation and chemo. You don't want that bone to break. Even though Marvin had his amputation and only had one more dose of chemo left to do he broke the back leg, same side as his amputation and we had to let him go. We had no idea the cancer had spread to his back leg. If you would like to see what an amputation looks like (pictures are disturbing) and his progress you can click HERE. Then you can click on each picture to read the caption. Sending prayers for your boy.
  5. Ramm dislocated his toe and the vet had to put him under, yank it back in place, and then wrap it so it stayed on place. We had to be careful with how much activity he had. Here his his twisted toe, it was twisted up around the next toe Here he is all bandaged up Good luck at the appointment this afternoon.
  6. Sending many prayers and hugs for Dodge!
  7. OMG that is too funny! I'm glad Joey is doing well.
  8. My Ruby is the same way. She has really soft, thick fur and this week she has really been shedding. We brushed her with the zoom groom tons of fur came out and even some little clumps I yanked out that looked loose. We gave all the doggies baths yesterday so during her bath and after she still had a lot of fur coming out. She is always like this when it gets warmer.
  9. NancyB


    I'm so sorry
  10. NancyB

    Yopon Alan Wag

    Susan, I'm so sorry
  11. Oh Mary I'm so sorry to hear about Charlie.
  12. I'm so sorry, sending prayers and hugs
  13. If poo eating was the cause of growths Kassie's head would look like the Elephant Man Asti is beautiful
  14. I hope Mokka is feeling better soon!
  15. Marina, I'm so sorry to hear about Merlin. Sending hugs and prayers.
  16. My Ruby sliced her big pad running in the yard, it was a flap and bleeding a lot. I actually wrapped her foot in a sanitary pad because there was so much blood. The vet soaked her foot in that blue liquid they use (Novalson) for at least 10 minutes, trimmed the flap off, I think she might have put some type of ointment on it and wrapped her foot up. Eventually the pad will go back to normal. I don't think you should be cleaning his foot in straight peroxide.
  17. What strength is the Proin? Ruby is on 25 mg twice a day. The specialist wanted to start her out on 80 mg twice a day but I wouldn't let her. I know they also make 50 mg tablets.
  18. Tami I'm so sorry, my heart is hurting for you
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